Учебный проект Leading a Healthy lifestyle: различия между версиями

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Строка 10: Строка 10:
The project deals with the ways of leading a healthy lifestyle and its benefits to a person's organism. Different ways of sticking to a healthy lifestyle are considered among which we can name: healthy eating habits, doing sports and a well-scheduled day. The imoportance of learning how to stick to a healthy lifestyle is pointed out.
The project deals with the ways of leading a healthy lifestyle and its benefits to a person's organism. Different ways of sticking to a healthy lifestyle are considered among which we can name: healthy eating habits, doing sports and a well-scheduled day. The imoportance of learning how to stick to a healthy lifestyle is pointed out.
Working on this project students will learn new vocabulary connected with healthy lifestyle, food, sports and daily routine. Moreover, they will learn to work in groups and take responsibility for others.
Working on this project students will learn new vocabulary connected with healthy lifestyle, food, sports and daily routine. Moreover, they will learn to work in groups and take responsibility for others.

Версия 18:01, 2 ноября 2023

Автор проекта

Имомалиева Мафтуна

Предмет, класс

Английский язык, 9 класс

Краткая аннотация проекта

The project deals with the ways of leading a healthy lifestyle and its benefits to a person's organism. Different ways of sticking to a healthy lifestyle are considered among which we can name: healthy eating habits, doing sports and a well-scheduled day. The imoportance of learning how to stick to a healthy lifestyle is pointed out.

Working on this project students will learn new vocabulary connected with healthy lifestyle, food, sports and daily routine. Moreover, they will learn to work in groups and take responsibility for others.

Вопросы, направляющие проект

Основополагающий вопрос

How to lead a healthy lifestyle?

Как вести здоровый образ жизни?

Проблемные вопросы

How can food affect our lifestyle?

Как еда может повлиять на наш образ жизни?

How can sports affect our lifestyle?

Как спорт может повлиять на наш образ жизни?

How can daily routine affect our lifestyle?

Как распорядок дня может повлиять на наш образ жизни?

Учебные вопросы

What is a healthy lifestyle?

Что такое здоровый образ жизни?

What are the constituents of a healthy lifestyle?

Каковы основные части здорового образа жизни?

Is it easy to lead a healthy lifestyle?

Легко ли вести здоровый образ жизни?

Why do we need to lead a healthy lifestyle?

Почему необходимо вести здоровый образ жизни?

План проведения проекта

Этапы работы над проектом:

1. Знакомство с проектом, формулировка проблемных вопросов, деление на группы, составление плана работы в группах

2. Сбор и обработка информации

3. Оформление результатов работы

4. Защита работ, презентация

Публикация преподавателя

Imomaliyeva 1.jpg Imomaliyeva 2.jpg

Презентация преподавателя для выявления представлений и интересов учащихся

[стартовая презентация]

Пример продукта проектной деятельности учащихся

Результаты исследования обучающихся в проекте Leading a healthy lifestyle

Материалы по формирующему и итоговому оцениванию

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Критерии итогового оценивания Project assessment criteria.jpeg Project assessment criteria2.jpeg

Материалы по сопровождению и поддержке проектной деятельности

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