Результаты исследования обучающихся в проекте Culture Exchange

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
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Авторы и участники проекта

  1. Иванова Ксения
  2. Наталья Позднякова

И участники группы Кортесы

Тема исследования группы

Travel tips before going to other countries.

Проблемный вопрос (вопрос для исследования)

What tips can you give travelers before traveling to other countries?

Гипотеза исследования

We believe that travelers before traveling to other countries should analyze information about the cultural characteristics of the country, learn about its customs, check the weather during their stay in the country, consider various housing options and the city's transport system, find out the average bill in a cafe.

Цели исследования

To identify the most important tips to give the traveler before traveling to other countries.

Результаты проведённого исследования

1. We got acquainted with the basic concepts of culture and culture exchange.

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Also we discussed the ways of coming to cultural exchange.

2. We came to the conclusion that ulture exchanges provide an opportunity to explore other cultures, traditions, customs, beliefs, societies, languages and much more. Hence, such opportunities make you view the world with a different lens. This provides alternative perspectives! It broadens one’s horizons and increases the tendency of acceptance.

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3. We came to a conclusion that cultural exchanges are very important. Here are the advantages:

a. Brings unity among diversity.

b. Gaining a worldlier view.

c. Flexibility, adaptability, and confidence among young students.

d. Get exposure to alternative ways of learning.

e. Gateway to personal development.

f. Form life-long bonds.

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4. As a result, we explored the following tips for future travelers:

a. Don’t be afraid to use a map, but also don’t be afraid to get purposefully lost.

b. Always visit the local tourism office.

c. When you go out, take only what you need.

d. Make extra copies of your passport and important documents.

e. Prepare for tighter regulations surrounding vaccination and air travel. Know that vaccine and testing requirements are not exclusive to air travel.

f.Learn basic phrases in the native language of your destination.

g. Go where the other travelers aren’t!


“Simple exchanges can break down walls between us, for when people come together and speak to one another and share a common experience, then their common humanity is revealed.” — United States Ex-President, Barack Obama.

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