Результаты исследования учащихся в проекте "Welcome to English-speaking Countries"

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Версия от 18:21, 7 декабря 2021; Крайнова Татьяна (обсуждение | вклад) (Результаты проведённого исследования)
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Крайнова Татьяна

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Тема исследования группы

Связь между языком и культурой

Connection between language and culture

Проблемный вопрос (вопрос для исследования)

Есть ли связь между языком и культурой?

Is there a connection between language and culture?

Гипотеза исследования

Язык и культура тесно связаны с процессами коммуникации (общения людей), с формированием личности человека, а также общества в целом.

Language and culture are closely related to the processes of communication (communication between people), with the formation of a person's personality, as well as society as a whole.

Цели исследования

1. Рассмотреть язык как основу культуры.

To consider language as the basis of culture.

2. Установить взаимосвязь языка и культуры.

To establish the relationship between language and culture.

3. Проанализировать современное положение культуры и языка в обществе.

To analyze the current position of culture and language in society.

4. Выявить влияние культуры на язык, и наоборот, языка на культуру.

To reveal the influence of culture on language, and vice versa.

Результаты проведённого исследования

1. We got acquainted with the basic concepts of linguocultorology, identified their structure and functions.

The conceptual apparatus of cultural linguistics includes concepts that analyze the relationship between language and culture in their dynamics, and many of them are also used in other linguistic disciplines:mentality, ritual, custom, cultural sphere, type of culture, civilization.

2. We defined the role of language in culture.

Language does not just reflect the human world and culture. The most important function of language is that it preserves culture and transfers it from generation to generation. That is why language plays such a significant, not to say decisive, role in the formation of the personality, national character, people, nation. Through the use of language, any skills, techniques, products, modes of social control, and so on can be explained, and the end results of anyone’s inventiveness can be made available to anyone else with the intellectual ability to grasp what is being said. Culture impacts our core traditions , values, and the way we interact with others in society. On the other hand, language makes those interactions easy. Simply put, language facilitates social interactions while culture helps us to learn how to behave and interact with others.


3. We considered various concepts of interaction between language and culture.

-Language is a thousand-year creation of the people, here is its character and soul, freedom and memory,philosophical system. If language were just a means of communication between. People would have long used Latin, Sanskrit or Esperanto for this purpose. However, any society is aware of the organic connection of its civilization with native language. How many languages are there in the world, there are so many civilizations on earth. Люди и разные языки.png

-Language is one of the most important features of a nation, it is organically connected with culture, he develops in it and expresses it. There are about 500 definitions of culture. Manifestations of the spiritual world of man - word, music, painting - are the constituent parts of culture. But this does not exhaust the complex concept of culture. In a broader sense, culture is a qualitative characteristic of the results of human activity.

Culture от Крайновой.jpg


Язык — это одна из самых важных категорий культуры, поскольку именно посредством языка формируется и выражается миропонимание человека. Однако язык не является только лишь средством, он также та среда, в которой формируется и живет человек, которая детерминирует жизненный опыт человека.

Language is one of the most important categories of culture, since a person's worldview is formed and expressed through language. However, language is not only a means of culture formation, but it is also the environment in which a person is formed and lives, which determines a person's life experience.

Полезные ресурсы

Статьи по теме Language and Culture

Статья Language and culture: two sides of the same coin

Видео по теме Four Nations of the UK


Статья Language and Culture

Статья Relationship Between Language and Culture

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