Результаты исследований обучающихся в проекте Chinese slang in modern life

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Версия от 22:54, 14 ноября 2020; Haoyang (обсуждение | вклад) (Результаты проведённого исследования)
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Chinese slang

Проблемный вопрос (вопрос для исследования)

How was the language of modern youth formed?

Гипотеза исследования

We assume that the language of modern youth formed by Internet culture.

We assume that the language of modern youth formed by people saying who are popular in Internet.

Цели исследования

1. To learn the main words among Chinese slangs in China.

2. To build a list of types for Chinese slang.

3. To learn the reasons why Chinese slang formed.

4. To build a mental map.

Результаты проведённого исследования

Our assumptions were successfully proven.

Firstly, let's pay attention to 8 popular Chinese slangs in Chinese modern life .

Pay attention to our MIND MAP on Chinese slang


1. 小鲜肉(xiǎo xiān ròu)

Meaning: A young and handsome guy Example: A:听说Elena终于找了个男朋友呢!(Tīng shuō Elena zhōngyú zhǎole gè nán péngyǒu ne!) I heard that Elena finally found a boyfriend! B:是啊! 听说还是个小鲜肉呢!(Shì a! Tīng shuō háishì gè xiǎo xiān ròu ne!) Yes! I heard he is a also a young handsome one !

2. 男/女神 (nán/nǚ shén)

Meaning: Male god/Goddess Example: A:你知道布拉德皮特吗?(Nǐ zhīdào bù lā dé pítè ma?) Do you know Brad Pitt? B:当然!他可是我的男神!(Dāngrán! Tā kěshì wǒ de nán shén!) Of course! He is my male god!

3. 装逼(zhuāng bī)

Meaning:To pretend to be something you're not. (e.g. cool, rich or capable) Example: A: 瞧!这 是 我 的 新 车。酷 吧?(qiáo! zhè shì wǒ de xīn chē. kù bɑ? Look! ) This is my new car. It's cool, right? B: 没有了。其实,我在装逼。这才是我的车。(méi yǒu le. qí shí, wǒ zài zhuānɡ bī. zhè cái shì wǒ de chē. ) No, it isn't my car... Actually, I'm pretending to be cool. This is my car.

4. 666(liu liu liu)

Meaning: Brilliant,bravo,cool,wonderful Example: A:嘿!我只用了三天就完成了一个星期的工作!(Hēi! Wǒ zhǐ yòngle sān tiān jiù wánchéngle yīgè xīngqí de gōngzuò!) Hey! I completed a week of work in only three days! B:真的假的?666(Zhēn de jiǎ de?) Really?That is so cool!

5.辣眼睛(Là yǎn jīng)

Meaning: An Eyesore Example: A:你看我的新发型怎么样?(Nǐ kàn wǒ de xīn fǎxíng zěnme yàng?) What do you think of my new hairstyle? B:哦,真辣眼睛(Ó, zhēn là yǎnjīng.) Oh,it is really an eyesore.(Oh my god,I cannot even look at it !)

6. 土豪(Tǔháo)

Meaning: Rich person,unpstart Example: A:看看我新买的两辆玛莎拉蒂。(Kàn kàn wǒ xīn mǎi de liǎng liàng mǎshālādì) Look at my new two maserati B:你真是个土豪。(Nǐ zhēnshi gè tǔháo) You are such a rich person.

7. 醉了(Zuìle)

Meaning: speechless Example: A:他上课的时候好像又睡着了。(Tā shàngkè de shíhòu hǎoxiàng yòu shuìzhele) He seemed to fall asleep again during class. B:我真是醉了。(Wǒ zhēnshi zuìle) I'm so speechless.

8. 萌(méng)

Meaning: cute,adorable Example: A:这是谁的孩子啊?(Zhè shì shéi de háizi a?) Whose child is this? B:不知道,但是太萌了吧!(Bù zhīdào, dànshì tài méngle ba!) I don’t know, but he’s so cute!


THE Chinese language of modern youth formed

Chinese Internet slang is informal Chinese language coined to express ideas on the Chinese Internet in response to events, the influence of the mass media and foreign culture, and the desires of users to simplify and update the Chinese language. Slang that first appears on the Internet is often adopted to become current in everyday life. It includes content relating to all aspects of social life, mass media, economic, and political topics and the like. Internet slang is arguably the fastest-changing aspect of the language, created by a number of different influences—technology, mass media and foreign culture amongst others.

Just as English speakers use a whole dictionary of special words, contractions, memes and acronyms when chatting online, Chinese do the same.

While confusing at first, Chinese internet slang can be very rewarding to learn, and opens up a whole new sphere of communication with fellow Chinese netizens.

What’s more, Chinese internet slang really isn’t that hard to learn, following generally a few very simple rules, and requiring knowledge of only a few obscure memes.

Where Is It Okay to Use Chinese Slang? So Chinese internet slang exists, and can be a fun way of communication. This being said, it’s worth understanding the places where it’s appropriate to use Chinese slang, and when you would be better served use a more conventional Chinese vocabulary.

Currently, the most likely place a Chinese speaker or learner would encounter internet slang is on 微信 (wēi xìn) also known by its English name WeChat. This is a hugely popular messaging and social media app, which has taken China by storm in the last few years.

Rather than mobile phone numbers, Chinese people are now more likely to exchange WeChat IDs and use this service to keep in touch with each other. Given that this is a popular form of informal, interpersonal communication in China, it’s a hotbed of Chinese online slang.

So how are Chinese slangs formed?

Chinese slangs are mostly started by people who are popular on the Internet. Nowadays, many young people in China like to browse all kinds of interesting information online. Watch all kinds of interesting videos. Everyone inadvertently saw some very popular Internet celebrities say some interesting words, and then they would find it interesting, they would start to imitate and use, and then form Chinese slangs. Because these Chinese slangs are easy to use and easy to understand, they quickly became popular.

Thus, Chinese slangs in modern life formed by Internet culture and famous people's saying in Internet.


All the aims were achieved.

1. We have learned different Chinese slangs:

- zhuang bi

- 666

- meng

- nan/nv shen

- xiaoxianrou

- amaoagou

- buzadi

- hualuobo

- tu

2. We have build a list of types for Chinese slang.

3. We have learned that Chinese slang formed by several reasons. First is slang is easier to say. Second is lots of people who are popular in Internet use them a lot. Third is slang usually more popular in modern life and easily to let people get into chat.

4. We have built a mental map to digitalise the results of our research.

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