Учебный проект Time Capsule

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 16:46, 26 ноября 2010; Ирина Тушева (обсуждение | вклад) (План проведения проекта)

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Ирина Тушева Учебный проект Time Capsule

Предмет, курс

Иностранный язык (английский) 1 курс ННГАСУ

Краткая аннотация проекта

“TIME CAPSULE” Create a ‘time capsule’, not to be opened before the year 2250, to help future generations understand life at the beginning of the 21st century. Follow the guidelines below: 1. Aim to include about 7 items which best represent the most typical aspects of modern life. Think about which of these things you want to represent/include, and the main ideas that you want to get across: - culture and entertainment - food and drink - fashion/design - politics and important events - technology and media - everyday objects that may no longer exist - interesting documents, etc. 2. Make a List of your chosen items. Supply each item with a short description and a picture/photograph. In the descriptions, be sure to mention why you have chosen those objects. 3. Write a ‘Message to Young People of the Year 2250’ to go with your 7 objects into the time capsule.

Основополагающий вопрос

Which 7 items best represent the most typical aspects of modern life?

Проблемные вопросы

What could help people of next generations to understand our life? What in your opinion will change and what remain the same?

Учебные вопросы

Which item best represent culture and enertainment of our time? Which item best represent food and drink of our time? Which item best represent fashion/design of our time? Which item best represent politics and important events of our time? Which item best represent tichnoloty and media of our time? Which item best represent everyday objects that may no longer exist of our time? Which item best represent interesting documents of our time?

План проведения проекта

1. Aim to include about 7 items which best represent the most typical aspects of modern life. Think about which of these things you want to represent/include, and the main ideas that you want to get across 2. Make a List of your chosen items. Supply each item with a short description and a picture/photograph. In the descriptions, be sure to mention why you have chosen those objects. 3. Write a ‘Message to Young People of the Year 2250’ to go with your 7 objects into the time capsule.

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