Результаты исследований обучающихся в проекте Time Capsule

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
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Авторы и участники проекта

  1. Чараева Екатерина
  2. Участники группы Философы

Тема исследования группы

Грамотная формулировка послания будущим потомкам

Проблемный вопрос (вопрос для исследования)

Как необходимо правильно сформулировать послание потомкам?

How is it necessary to formulate correctly a message to descendants?

Гипотеза исследования

Очень важно научиться делать выводы на основе своих и чужих ошибок. А научившись, уже не повторять их никогда. Нам очень хочется верить, что будущее поколение поймет это раньше нынешнего и станет вести себя иначе.

It is very important to learn to draw conclusions based on your own and others' mistakes. And having learned, do not repeat them again. We really want to believe that the future generation will understand this before the current one and will behave differently.

Цели исследования

Суметь самостоятельно сформулировать данное послание, которое сможет донести необходимые мысли и напутствия.

Результаты проведённого исследования


We would like to address this appeal to the children who will live after us.

We, the pupils of 11th grade A, the inhabitants of the city of Nizhny Novgorod would like to share with you their reflections and reflections. Our generation lives in a difficult and difficult time. It can not be compared with the military or the post-war, when they were starving, struggled with devastation, homelessness. Our generation is full, clothed, provided with televisions, telephones, computers, but there are more problems among young people. And they do not concern individual young people, but the generation as a whole.

We are young - special creatures: we have our own interests, thoughts, doubts, everything is not like that of adults. We are just entering the adult world full of difficulties and problems. And it depends on us, what will be our future. Today among the youth there is an opinion that everything can and should be tried in this life. Most of us, going out into the adult world, not in words, but in fact begin to realize it. Let's look around: with cigarettes, we'll see adults and teenagers, boys and girls, dads and moms smoking on the street, at home, in public places. Alcoholism in general became a national problem, to which addiction was added. And today it, unfortunately, became the norm of life. But many of us believe that if you try once, nothing terrible will happen. It often happens that this "first time" remains unpunished, and then it repeats again, again and again. But is this minute weakness worth it?

Young people tend to think that if they give in to their common opinion, they will be able to maintain their authority and increase their self-esteem. We must admit that they often start to do stupid things not because they want it, but because it's so necessary, so the majority believes. The teenager thinks: "If I do not accept the rules of this company, I will be considered a black sheep for the rest of my life!". But if you could say: "No! "You can rightfully be considered a strong personality, who in life will achieve everything independently, regardless of the opinion of the crowd. Before you do anything, ask yourself: "Do I need this? Does this not contradict my convictions? ". And only giving an answer, make a decision! So it will be absolutely right!

Listen to what the elders advise you, know how to cherish and cherish the life lessons that they share with us, so that you do not regret it later. It often seems to us that the good advice of parents is an attempt to interfere in our life, to make it like our own. "Well, I do not! we say. - We know how to do it ourselves, do not teach us. "And then we regret. Parents are the closest and dearest people who will always help with business and will advise the word. No matter how many years there was a child, he would still remain for Mom and Dad a defenseless and weak creature in need of care and love. I would like today's and future generations to remember that adults really love them, no matter what. Do not offend parents with reproaches in excessive guardianship. And even more so in a misunderstanding. Instead of arguing with the elders, try to hear them, make contact, find a compromise. Then there will be fewer omissions and insults. It is very important to learn to draw conclusions based on your own and others' mistakes. And having learned, do not repeat them again.

We really want to believe that the future generation will understand this before the current one and will behave differently.


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Примеры посланий в будущее


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