School Report Card - Student's Nightmare

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
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During my elementary and middle school years, the cards were not such a big deal because I had decent grades. My high school grades however were another story. They were so bad that I always find myself trying to postpone showing them to my parents.

As a result of my terrible grades, I was often grounded and was ultimately given a tutor. The tutoring ended during my tenth grade when my tutor asked me to with him to his prom. My father ended that concept really quickly. My parents just didn't buy my excuse that my grades were slipping because I was no longer getting the rewards that motivated me when I was younger.

These days, modern report cards have undergone a few changes. My son's science teacher still puts pleasant and informative comments on his cards. I was glad to learn that my son was polite and respectful whenever he is at school. The comments enabled me to monitor how my son's behavior is developing at school.

I also noticed that some teachers did not bother to put descriptions on my son's report card. Parents like me want to know what is going on with our children. If teachers can describe our children's behavior at school, we can respond accordingly to deal with any undesirable behavior.

However, viewing report cards online can also have disadvantages. How can they do that?"

Forget the popular studies and the quintessential researches on children and just trust your own opinion - how many children are glad to show their progress reports to the parents. The fierce competition has worked upon the parents and it has made them to expect too much from their children. Parents expect the kid to play like Sachin Tendulkar, act like Aamir Khan, play music like A.R. Rehman, top the lists in all exams and tests and run like Milkha Singh to bring home the trophies.

Parental Support and No Discouraging

A child may not put up a great performance, but he should be honest to tell it to the parents. Due to the lack of parental support, the child is more inclined to cover up by hiding the Report Card. He is discouraged at the very beginning when the seeds of honesty are sowed and the courage to face the situation is taught. In most cases, the kid is not the only person to be blamed for proxies.

Since the technological indulgence may help the parents to have the report card, sent through an electronic mail or any other digital service, proxy or no proxy is out of question. However the issue still remains - Is it going to help the child, the parent? Would it improve the grades of the child, make the child more responsible and accountable for what he does? Or would it be just another feature to convince the parents that the school has kept the pace in the technology driven world?

More Issues:

There are more issues, more facets related to the popular School Report Cards that are forcibly gifted at the end of the sessions or examinations. One way of looking at it is just asking oneself if the School Report Card, the one we have seen in this country, truly represents our performance. School Report Card - Student's Nightmare, Report Card Comments, Your Child's First Report Card