
Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
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Complete Guide to SEO after Google Update There�s been lots of fuss about publish penguin Search engine optimization recently� some stated Search engine optimization is dead, some stated BH techniques will not work� blah blah.

Within this number of Search engine optimization threads, I�ll attempt to address different problems that have risen following the Penguin and Panda updates. Note : This thread is specific more towards newbie SEOers who�re thinking an excessive amount of relating to this Penguin / Panda garbage� So don�t blame me if you do not discover the secret miracle to position your sites within this thread. Nevertheless, I am sure many experienced customers will discover it helpful to refresh their understanding.

Allows get began�

Okay, first allow me to bust some Search engine optimization misconceptions that many people may have in your head.

Myth 1 � Search engine optimization is dead

Many people appear to consider that Penguin update may be the finish of Search engine optimization� let you know what, this is actually the funniest sh*t I have find out about Search engine optimization.

Blackhat Search engine optimization isn�t dead� and it�ll NEVER die� PERIOD!

You�ll still can rank your sites on the top of Google but you just could make A small fortune with Search engine optimization� outranking sites like Amazon . com and Wikipedia continues to be greatly possible� I have tried it and it can be done too�. continue reading!

Myth 2 � Search engine optimization Tools have grown to be useless

Again, using the recent Google updates, lots of people think tools like XRumer/Scrapebox/AMR have grown to be useless� this really is drastically wrong. These power tools continue to be very helpful and that i use these on regular basis.

Myth 3 � Blog Systems are dead

Despite the fact that Google screwed BMR and ALN too have a large slice of their network deindexed, blog systems continue to be lucrative but still extremely effective. Its about quality� Getting your personal blog community is the best choice if you possess the budget. Just don�t publish spun gibbering and don�t leave any footprint whatsoever� you will be fine!

Myth 4 � You cannot rank a brand new site without getting sandboxed

I had been speaking to some client who just released a website yesterday and that he was like� �start the backlinking and we�ll monetize the website after it arrives of sandbox�� I had been like �WTF� lol. Seriously, relax a bit an excessive amount of about this stupid sandbox factor� I�ve effectively rated a great deal of micro niche websites which were 1 week old with no sandbox or �over-optimization� whatsoever. Continue reading and I�ll let you know how.

Myth 5 � On-page Search engine optimization does not matter any longer

Since Google�s Penguin update was mostly about off-page Search engine optimization coupled with a great deal related to your anchor-text, pages connecting back, foot prints� mostly off-page stuff�. most people began to overlook the on-page fundamentals which are still extremely important. There have been blogs by some Search engine optimization �gurus� distributing misleading information that on-page Search engine optimization �does not matter any longer.. Google can identify exactly what the page is all about itself�. blah blah�.

Sure G have enhanced (or should I only say �screwed up�) their formula but that does not mean you need to stop caring regarding your on-page tactics. On-page Search engine optimization continues to be very relevant� actually, more relevant of computer has ever been.

Now that you�ve got your doubts obvious, we are able to move onto the very first portion of this informative guide that is�

Section 1 � On-page Search engine optimization

Like I stated above, on-page Search engine optimization continues to be very relevant also it is among the most significant foundations of the Search engine optimization campaign.

Getting nevertheless, keep in mind that G�s algo is much wiser than it was once a couple of years back. The days are gone whenever you could rank your website just by stuffing a lot of key phrases inside your title and meta description. There�s way in addition to that to on-page Search engine optimization now�

Section 1a � The fundamentals

Clean HTML & CSS code:

Really quite simple� bad code = bad site ratings or perhaps a penalty� If you are using wordpress, use styles which are clean and don�t contain any adware and spyware.

The <title> tag:

Your page�s title is among the most significant on-page factors. A great title is exactly what describes what your page is all about and simultaneously, smartly uses your target keyword inside it.

Don�t allow it to be look spammy or you�ll leave your website to become susceptible to a Google Penalty.

For instance, if you are focusing on �generate incomeInch a great title could be

�Uncover various ways to earn money online at *yoursite*�

Along with a bad title could be

�Generate income � earn money on the web � earn money secret shoppingInch

Begin to see the difference? The bottom line is, don�t stuff your key phrases inside� Google�s bots are wise enough to identify that type of garbage inside a blink of the eye. And on top of that, a great title helps you receive a better clicks-through rate. A person is more prone to click something which really is sensible than some spammy gibberish.

The meta <description> tag

Virtually exactly the same story here� Be wise and summarize your page in approximately. 155 figures while using the your target keyword at least one time.

This, again, isn�t just essential for your Search engine optimization but additionally can help you have more clicks in Internet Search Engine Ranking Pages.

The meta <keywords> tag

Stop worryin about this� The search engines do NOT make use of the key phrases tag like a step to rank your sites.

Thats it with this section� the bottom line is : Don�t Help Make Your SITE LOOK SPAMMY BUT Simultaneously, Use YOUR TARGET Key phrases Inside Your TITLE And Outline. ���������������

Section 1b � The Information

It�s been stated before and I�ll say it again� content plays an excellent role inside your Search engine optimization campaign and not just that, it is also crucial to earn money out of your site.

Listed here are a couple of stuff you should bear in mind when designingOrfreelancing content for the site.

Who to create for� humans or search engines like google?

Now, all whitened hats will explain to create for humans and never search engines like google� don�t worry about your keyword density and so forth� Guess we are on BHW right? So allows do things the wiser way and kill two wild birds with one stone.

The response to this is� BOTH! Yes, write for� the search engines like google and humans simultaneously.

Like I stated before, the traditional days whenever you could rank a website with only a spammy title, a crappy article along with a couple of 1000 XRumer links are lengthy gone� Google is becoming much wiser which consequently requires you to definitely be wiser than G� that is quite simple!

So.. to the subjects, your articles ought to be engaging in addition to perfectly enhanced for the target keyword(s). Here are a few pointers for optimisation.

Keyword density

With the over-optimisation factor happening recently, you need to be careful regarding your keyword density. From my tests, it appears that .5-1% appears to become a wise decision� only use your keyword sensibly and smartly inside your article.

LSI key phrases

LSI means �latent semantic indexing� and you will Google it to on exactly what the term is all about� but to provide you with a concept, LSI key phrases are the type which are carefully associated with your primary keyword. For instance,

In case your primary keyword is �weight reductionInch then a few of the LSI key phrases could be� �lose weight fast� �how are you able to lose weight� �weight loss supplements� �tips to get rid of weight��. you get the drift.

The bottom line is to utilize a large amount of LSI key phrases inside your article WITHOUT losing the flow from it� make certain your article continues to be perfectly readable by humans after using LSI key phrases a couple of occasions inside it.

Kinds of content:

Okay so you have got the fundamentals covered.. now it is time to learn to create top quality content (articles) which will attract lots of long-term traffic.

You will find various kinds of content� a number of them are:

1) Educational : including �general� educational articles like �5 ideas to burn fats in 2 days�� the type of articles all of us read everyday.

2) Factual : an excellent illustration of factual submissions are this � notice how they have defined Details concerning the sun? It�s absolutely easy to create factual content in nearly every niche available� just takes some investigation.

3) How-to�s & lessons : Pretty self explanatory. Some good examples could be �How you can fix registry problem in Home windows 7? or �Your 11-step help guide to baking a cake�.

4) News and evens : Like �Miami Warmth beat Boston Celtics in Game 7? or �Osama Bin Laden wiped out in Pakistan�� this kind of articles appear to obtain a large amount of traffic but that visitors are not long-term and can eventually die out inside a couple of days/days.

Your best choice is to produce a lot first, second and 3rd kind of content talked about above. Its still smart to publish the fourth type to obtain your site some exposure.

The number of articles?

A lot of you�d be wondering how large your website ought to be? Well� the larger, the greater. It can make lots of sense to possess hundreds of articles in your site since one article costs you simply $5-7 and you will probably make those funds back within 2 or 3 several weeks from that single article (normally)� whatever you make from that exact article on your internet site is pure profit.

Search engines like google appear to hate thin �one-page� sites so make sure to expand your website whenever possible� it�ll repay ultimately.

How lengthy if the articles be?

I keep my article length to become A Minimum Of 450-500 words� not really a word less. And lots of experienced SEOers would agree that 600-800 word articles often rank perfectly� you may make your article more than 800 words however i suggest splitting them into two with regard to your site�s size.