Atlanta SEO Consulting

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Atlanta SEO Company Atlanta seo consulting.comSource: SEO Company Atlanta SEO ConsultingHow much more profit could your company
make if I could show you a way to increase
the traffic to your website by 25%...75%...or more?
My name is Thomas Meyers and I am a professional copywriter and search engine
marketing consultant. I can help you improve traffic and website pulling power.
Statistics show that 80% of searchers only click on the top three natural search results. It does not matter how great your website looks without a steady stream of traffic it will not produce leads. Put some SEO techniques in place and your website can increase in traffic by over 90%.
Most businesses do not realize that their website could be producing far better results if it
was aligned properly with their targeted keywords.
If you want your website to generate more leads and sales, please give me a call today for a free, no-obligation quote (404) 407-0300. Or, if you prefer, email me at
I look forward to hearing from you!
Warmest Wishes, Thomas Meyers
"You can never get back the time you wait to invest in yourself" At Atlanta SEO Consulting you take a different approach to SEO Consulting.First of all SEO is not rocket science; it's simple to do. The hard part is to stay consistent.
The reason most websites rank so poorly is lack of owner involvement. The reason website owners don't stay involved is they lack a plan and a routine. In just a few hours I can teach you and your staff how to keep your website on top.
I have a simple and detailed step by step plan of instructions that if followed will create results. This way you will see the wheels turning. My approach is all up front and out in the open. Not only will you achieve great results but also learn some valuable marketing skills.
This Free Hub-page is on the first page at Google for "Atlanta SEO Consulting". You don�t need an SEO giant, you need a plan you can see working.
PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is the most common way to obtain traffic.Pay per click is the most brilliant way to advertise to ever be invented. The problem with PPC is that as soon as you stop paying the traffic stops.
Atlanta SEO Consulting will carefully analyze keywords and then put together a PPC keyword CPC chart. This way you will get the most out of your dollars. Atlanta SEO Consulting can have you on the front page later today.
SEO (search engine optimization) when you optimize your website so that it will rank in the natural search results. It takes time and effort but once you achieve good ranking you will recipient of a steady flow of free traffic.There are 2 major areas that must be address to achieve good results. They are your "on-page" and your "off-page" material, related to your website.
On this page I will explain some of how Atlanta SEO Consulting working together with you can get your site to the top of the natural search results.
Why Search Engine Optimization eludes most people. Not because it�s hard to do but because it has to be done a little bit at a time. Think of your website as a Facebook post. As soon as you post something, You're at the top again.
Links are a huge part of off page optimization. Finding high ranking sites that will agree to give you a links is not hard to do but it takes time. High ranking sites may have hundreds if not thousands of high PR links. If you want to compete in the search engines you need to start building links. Every time you link to a site, guess what happens, You move up! Link building can be a blast. Let me show you how fun and hugely productive this can be.
Think about it from Google�s point of view, they want to provide their customers with the most current, relevant content. If you built your site 5 or 10 ten years ago, how relevant or current could it possible be?
Give Google what they want, they will reward you with placement.
Services Keyword Analysis- Every keyword or keyword phrase receives a different amount of traffic from search engines. In addition every keyword has a value. Although some keywords get tons of traffic other keywords have more commercial intent. For example; �Florida� may get the most hits but �discount Florida hotels� may have more commercial intent. Atlanta SEO Consulting will align your website to keywords that have good traffic and great commercial intent.
SEO Competition- The more commercial intent and traffic a keyword gets the more competitive they are to rank for. Some keywords are so competitive it is almost impossible to achieve first page ranking. For example �discount Florida hotels� may be impossible but �Daytona discount hotels� may not. Think of keywords as boxers; only pick fights you can win. Atlanta SEO Consulting has several tools and techniques we use to very accurately determine the strength of the competition and prepare a list of keywords that get good traffic and are obtainable.
Website analysis- Atlanta SEO Consulting will provide a detailed report explaining what changes need to be made to your website so that your on-page content is aligned with your chosen keywords. On-page content only makes up a small percentage of an SEO campaign; Atlanta SEO Consulting recommends it not be overlooked.
The above mentioned services are extremely important to a successful SEO campaign. Once you have determined what keywords have good traffic and commercial intent. Determined what keywords are possible to rank for and align your site to those keywords. You are ready to start an Off-page daily campaign. Link Building- The more high PR value links you have pointing to your site the higher your site will rank. Some of the problems with link building are where to find websites and how to link to them. It should also be known that links can only be added one or two a day. If you try to add too many links to your site all at once you will get �Google slapped� and your site will never rank. Atlanta SEO Consulting will solve this problem with an easy to follow step by step plan.
Article Marketing- If you own a landscaping company and write an article titled �How to install drought resistant sod� it will be read by thousands of people. Good information always attracts lots of free targeted traffic. The landscaper may ask, �If I tell them how, what do they need me for?� I am an SEO consultant and I am telling you how. Give people useful information and ask nothing in return. It make you look like an authority on the subject and that goes a long way. I suggest you write two, 250 word articles per month. At Atlanta SEO Consulting we are experts at SEO, we don't know your business. If you are willing to write articles, create some content I can help you structure and publish for maximum results. Have some fun with this, not rocket science. My landscaper told me he could plant sod in my driveway and it would grow, great article.
Forum Marketing- A powerful way to generate targeted traffic. In my daily plan I will show you how to find high traffic forums with thousands of users looking for exactly what you are selling. Most people online are looking for information, answer their questions and you are one step closer to a sale. Have fun but always ask professional, you will get to the point where you may love this stuff.
Social Network Marketing- Sites like Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and many others get millions of visitors every minute. This amount of traffic should not be overlooked by any business. I will show you ways to tap into this huge traffic source that is free and more productive than the idol chatter you may do now.
Video Marketing- The second most visited website on the net is You I will take your raw video footage and turn it into a free commercial for your business that will run 24/7 forever, FOR FREE. It is important that this video is linked to an article or your website. Look at the video about roofing below, that is the number 1 video for "roofing installation" at YouTube! How hard could it possibly be to make a better one? A funnier one, hello.
Blogs and Hubs- The page you are reading is a hub page. It was free and I can make as many hub pages as I want. Hub pages rank in search engines just like this one does for "Atlanta SEO Consulting". It is simple to add articles, videos, comments, polls, Amazon and many others. You should make a hub page or blog for every keyword phrase you are targeting. There are some tricks and techniques I can share that will help your hub or blog rank higher.
All of the techniques I have outlined here will work for every website. If you are willing to get involved with this process your website will be successful.
Do you agree that the techniques I have mentioned above are tried and tested methods of driving traffic?. Again none of them you need a degree in computer science to do. The problem is where to start, how to do it and how to stay consistent.
I have come up with a cost effective solution. The plan involves you or staff member following my daily 2 hour website building happy plan. None of this stuff is frustrating or technical or hard. You don't have to type very well or know anything about websites or coding or any of that garbage. My plan will cover doing everything mentioned above without ever getting you overwhelmed or frustrated. It is really a lot of fun and I think you look forward to the next days task. You can skip days and always jump right back on like a Mary-go-round.
To take advantage of the most cutting edge SEO plan on the market for FREE. Please visit my website at website
Let's meet to discuss your goals.
Matt Cutts VP with GoogleWhat Matt did not sayAll of the techniques I use to optimize website are Google Approved methods or "White Hat" any other practices like hidden text is considered "Black hat" and can get your site banned.
Matt never mentioned FaceBook because they are Googles biggest competitor, also a great place to advertise.
Meta Tags, Title tags, discriptions and headers are all on-page optimazation. You need to get this right before you move on to the off page.
Off-page is all about building links. 2 links should be added to your site 5 days a week. 2 articles should be written a month. Someone from your company should spend a few hours a week answering questions in forums.
All of this adds content to your site!
What Matt also did not say is that Google needs us more than we need Google. Google is always looking for current, original content, without it they will die. Give them what they want and they will reward you with placement.
It's really that simple,
Thomas Meyers
Matt Cutts: How Google Deals With Web Spam Matt Cutts: How Google Deals With Web Spam Posted by: Rob Hof on October 04
It�s up to Matt Cutts and his team at Google to keep search results as free as possible from Web spam, those pages full of Viagra ads or even malware. A 10-year veteran of the company, he got into this online underworld after working on the first version of Google�s family filter, Safe Search.
Cutts� other job thrusts him in the spotlight almost as much as CEO Eric Schmidt and cofounders Sergey Brin and Larry Page: He�s essentially Google�s ambassador to Webmasters, the folks who operate Web sites.
In a recent interview for my story on how Google�s trying to stay ahead of rivals in search, Cutts provided insight not only into how Google tries to reduce Web spam but also into the search quality process at large. This is the last of a four-part series with Google search quality leaders that began with search chief Udi Member, Google Fellow and ranking chief Amit Singhal, and Scott Huffman, head of the search quality evaluation unit.
Q: to step back a bit, can you broadly describe the process by which Google ensures search quality, especially behind the scenes?
A: We try to be a balance between relatively analytical and a bit of serendipity, like �a user complained about this,� or an engineer hit a problem as they were doing their search. If someone did 15 queries in a row and never clicked on the results and eventually left, that may be the sort of thing where you dig in and say, well, did we have horrible results? Were they looking for a picture and we never returned a picture?
There�s a lot of different ways we gather all that data to identify a problem. Once you�ve identified a problem, that�s when the fun starts, because you can brainstorm a little bit. It can be serendipitous, a lot of feedback from the outside world. But a lot of it is analytical. So for example, you can look at bad sessions-multiple repeated queries, nobody clicked.

Q: Do you have programs out there tracking that?
A: Yeah. Over time, we�ve built up a lot of evaluation metrics. So you could have query sets where you go if I do this query, I expect to get this result back. And if I don�t get that result back, then maybe I need to do some debugging: Has the Web site gone offline, maybe they got hacked, or did we make some change that made things break? So a lot of it can be just identifying when things used to work well and then didn�t work as well.
And there�s a lot of room for individual engineers to just complain. We have a quality mailing list within Google, and with 20,000 employees at Google, there�s plenty of feedback.
Anytime I go to an arts festival, I walk down the aisles, look at the stained glass and the paintings. So I just write down all the Web sites as I go down the aisles. Like will �Taber Studios� bring back Taber Studios? I always keep a little notebook with me, and I go back and see if I type in that site, does it appear on Google? My wife gets a little tired of it, but when we go on vacation, like stop by Hearst Castle, you got the Chamber of Commerce brochure, and it�s just a list of Websites, and I go, perfect, type in the business names (into Google) and see whether I get all these URLs. So it comes a lot from anecdotal stuff.
Q: Once you�ve got those leads, then what?
A: So once you have that, if there�s an address on this page, why couldn�t we return it or show a map? Trying to find new and different signals that will return that site can be tough. Sometimes it�s just tweaking our existing system, like if the words of the business are in close proximity, give it a little more weight.
We try to do a lot so we can understand queries better. Some people will mistype queries, so we try to do a real good spell-check system. A lot of people will type in synonyms, like "automobile" instead of "cars" when the name of the business is Cars R Us. So we try to take the query as a suggestion.
We used to require an absolute perfect match, but over time we�ve gotten better at spelling, morphology, synonyms, all these sorts of things like stemming, where somebody types in �runners� and maybe they meant �runner,� or �running.�
Q: How do you actually implement algorithms and changes in those algorithms?
A: Think of search quality almost as if it�s a car. If you ask someone if a car is a machine, they�ll say of course it�s a machine. But really, that machine is composed of a lot of different subcomponents. You�ve got the engine, you�ve got the transmission, and each of those subcomponents is a machine as well.
So Google itself, the algorithm can be described as an automated system that takes a query, routes it to the closest data center, sends that out to hundreds of machines, those machines try to report the best results, collect that all together, from all those hundreds of results, what are the best 10. Compute ideal snippets from those best 10 add anything like ads and then ship that back to the user. That entire process you could refer to as an algorithm.
But in practice, what tends to happen is you have it sub composed of a bunch of different, smaller algorithms. So in my group, you have one algorithm or one set of heuristics that would say, �Given this URL, how much spam do we think this URL is?� And we might use dozens of signals-what sort of much spam words do they use, the backlinks to this URL, how much spam do those look. All of those blend together into a master ranking algorithm.
The trick is decomposing it well. So Amit�s group in search quality is the core ranking group. My group in search quality is Web spam. And those decouple pretty nicely because something can be relevant-you can buy Viagra from this site-and yet it can still be much spam. So the challenge, and what Google has done pretty well, is to say, one group�s job is to return the most comprehensive copy of the Web, as fresh as possible. So this morning, I was doing the query Business Week, and we had crawled Business Week seven minutes ago. You check on another search engine and maybe it�s been four or five days since they crawled
Q: That much of a difference? That�s hard to imagine in the case of Microsoft and Yahoo, at least.
A: Seven minutes is about as optimal as you�re going to get. But in general, Google is fresher. Google is not only fresher but more comprehensive. Those are three key things: freshness; comprehensiveness (you want to crawl as much of the Web as possible); and relevance (core ranking and Web spam). And you want the user experience to be really clean. If you go to senior citizens and ask, �What do you like about Google?� they�ll say �Clean, fast, and relevant.�
Q: How does Caffeine, the next-generation search engine now in testing, fit in there?
A: Caffeine was primarily an infrastructural change. That was a huge undertaking over many months from the crawl and indexing team. What they hand to us is almost the same, it�s just much better, much more powerful, much more flexible. We have the ability to index much faster. It�s better along all of these axes.
To most of the world, they probably wouldn�t be able to tell the difference. Maybe just a few search experts can really tell any kind of a difference at all. But from our perspective, it�s almost like upgrading the engine of a car from an old V-4 to a nice V-8.
Q: OK, so tell me how you and your group approach Web spam and how to reduce it.
A: One of the secrets of Web spam is that once you see it, and learn to recognize it, you can�t NOT see it. But intuitions that you might have, like in the old days when you saw a lot of dashes, like, you might think, OK, that�s a much spam domain, so maybe we train on the number of dashes in a domain to determine spam. But it turns out that doesn�t work so well, because in different cultures, not only are there perfectly valid domains like, but in, say, Germany, they have a lot more dashes on averages.
Q: What sort of methods do you use? How much is it people looking at things and saying, "Oh, that�s wrong," and how much is more automated?
A: There�s an entire class of really tech-un savvy people who come to Google and think that Google manually selects all 10 results for every single query and ships it back for hundreds of millions of people every day. Then some people think it�s nothing but computers. And certainly we rely much more on computers and algorithms than any other major search engine or at least historically.
Q: Don�t they all? In what way does Google rely more on algorithms?
A: Yahoo comes from a background where they had editors doing their directory. Yahoo is much more open to having humans in theory edit things. At Google, we do not have the ability to say for this query, make this result.

Q: Or you decide you�re not allowed to do that.
A: Well, the Web spam team does have the ability to say this result is spam, so it should be demoted or penalized or pushed down in some way. But we don�t have any ability to say for this query, �Rob Hof,� we think that this page should rank No. 1. I think that�s a healthy middle ground. You don�t want the ability to do that.
Q: to be clear, you�ve chosen not to be able to do that.
A: That�s correct. We�ve made a deliberate choice that we don�t want to. Because if you think about it, those kinds of choices tend to get stale, it�s not very scalable; it doesn�t work very well in other languages.
But in our group, we vastly rely on algorithms. We try to write new techniques and algorithms. But if someone writes in and says I typed in �Rob Hof� and got porn, they�re really unhappy if the reply is well, we think we�ll have a new algorithm to deal with that in about six to nine months, so check back and the porn may be gone maybe by the end of the year. So we�ll take action. Even then, we try to do it in a scalable way.
Q: How so?
A: The data that gets generated doesn�t just solve the near-term problem. For example, suppose there�s a bad hacker out there and he�s hacked 100 sites. If you had only a manual team, you might not catch all 100. But the data they generate by saying these 67 sites or these 80 sites have been hacked lets us write new classifiers to detect hacked sites-hidden text, various sneaky tricks like that.

Q: What do you mean by hacked in this context?
A: Spammers hack sites like Al Gore�s and other high-traffic sites and builds links out to spam sites, and then they�ll monetize 10 cents per user or whatever. I was literally talking to someone who had written his own blogging software and he got hacked, and he was checking out what had happened and this guy had come and deliberately targeted him and found an exploit in this one guy�s piece of code.
So the scary trend is that as PCs are getting better, people aren�t keeping Web server software such as Word press and Drupal, up to date and so they get hacked a lot. So we have to deal with innocent people who have gotten their site hacked and then they�re selling Viagra.

Q: So how do you deal with that?
A: We write detectors. We�ve written classifiers-an algorithm, a heuristic that essentially takes a bunch of signals and tries to say yes, this site has been hacked or no, it hasn�t, and at what level of the directory and things like that.
So for example, if you�ve got a longstanding site and then all of a sudden a brand-new directory pops up and it�s got a bunch of much spam terms like online casinos and debt consolidation, pills, and you�ve seen a bunch of weird links from other sites show, then you think maybe this part of the site has been hacked. So let�s not show this directory of sites to people for a little while until we know whether it�s spam or malware-or maybe scan those other 80 pages for malware as well.
One thing we do that I�m not aware of anyone else doing is we have a Webmaster console ( We will try to drop you a note. We can�t do it all the time and we can�t do it for every single site. And we try to give you a little piece of concrete text to show you. It�s in our interest to have a clean, well-lit Web that people can trust.
Q: as people evolve in how they do searches in the past couple years, is the process by which Google tries to improve search quality changed?
A: A lot of the analytical stuff hasn�t changed that much-the rock-solid stuff, the test beds. One thing that has changed is we�re more willing to listen to outside feedback and I think we do a better job of collecting feedback from the Web. Just in the last year or so, we�ve gotten a lot better at paying attention to the outside world. And communicating with the outside world, like with Gmail outage yesterday. We had a post-mortem blog post the same day, compared with several days on last outage seven or eight months ago.

Q: You�re one of the few public figures at Google who also seems to engage directly with users. How did that role develop?
A: I kind of backed into that. Communications is almost my 20% project. Basically, Webmasters ask why my site not does well. But we have tens of millions of Webmasters, hundreds of millions of users, hundreds of thousands of advertisers and many of them want to talk to someone at Google. So what are scalable ways to reach people? Through the Webmaster forum, blogs, conferences, Twitter answers, chats, videos.
Q: Are there ways you and other folks at Google are trying to avoid the problems of being a big company now-to avoid being the next Microsoft?
A: There are a lot of people at Google who constantly fight against becoming just another big company. In 2005, Eric Schmidt was asked by John Battelle at Web 2.0 if they�d try to lock in users� data, and Eric said we would never lock in users� data. The ability to take your data from Gmail or Google Calendar or Blogger and export it-literally like every single product we have, you can easily export your data or we are working on that. We even have a group, the Data Liberation Front that tries to liberate the data. The way that you earn loyalty is by making people trust No. 1 that you�re a good company, and if they ever distrust you, they can leave.

Q: OK, the field technically is open, but Google does have this commanding position.
A: I think we�re mindful of that. Battelle wrote a post a long time ago about how Google must feel on top of the world. I remember thinking, is this it feels like to be on top of the world? Because I feel like we wake up every day and work really, really hard to return the best-quality search results, and we�re fighting every day to do the best thing for our users. So it�s not as if there�s a bunch of gloating Google�s sitting around talking about how great life is.
If you look at some of the newer stuff we�ve done-for example, Android, Chrome, and Wave-the tie that binds those all together is they all have very large components of open-source or openness. So if somebody wants to build their own Wave server, it�s a federated protocol, you don�t have to go to Google.
There�s this real-time initiative that a couple of Google�s worked on, called pub subhubbu, and Brad, one of the main guys on that, is like Yeah, Google is not the center of this world, you can designate any hub. Also, Chrome is not only open but asks you who you want to use as your default search provider, it doesn�t hard-code it to Google, it uses whatever your default is. It�s the same sort of thing with Android. You might have people developing with Android who have never talked to Google because they can just take the code base and do fun things with it.
Q: How does Google ensure internally that it doesn�t become a slow-moving company? The issue was raised most recently by Anil Dash of Six Apart, who wrote that Chrome OS represented Google�s �Microsoft moment.�
A: �Don�t be evil� [Google�s informal motto] still works. It�s gotten to be a little well-worn outside of Google, and people just assume its marketing. But that spirit in my opinion still holds true.
Going back to Anil Dash�s post, when I wrote about it, it got a lot of attention within the company. Easily a dozen people caught me in the hallway to say, thanks for writing that, it�s a reminder of how we want to be.
Q: But that implies there�s some truth to that, which is not necessarily a good thing, right?
A: I think Google was in the mood to have someone rake us over the coals a little bit, and Anil�s post came at the perfect time to remind us our purpose to is make the Web better, our purpose is to return the best search results we can. Our purpose is not to be closed to outside feedback.
If you dig into the specifics, he said Google produces apps for Android before the iphones, and looking at any smaller point, you could take issue. But his point was not to micro-debate but rather to be more open to feedback and to recommit to this openness, and if someone beats you, it�s because they have more merit, not because you have some advantage on the field. And I think that even though everybody at Google knows that, it was a really helpful reminder. And as far as I can tell, it got support from the highest parts of the company.

Q: Google has a very successful system, and any company in that position has to be careful about changing things. How do you avoid being too careful?
A: There�s the revenue aspect. Search quality doesn�t care about money. We make the results better. If that costs us money, that�s someone else�s problem. That decoupling, the almost church vs. state attitude, has worked very well. Their job is to put relevant ads on whatever we return in the organic editorial position, and they do a fantastic job of that. So for example, if the ads team can�t come up with ads by the time we�ve computed the search results, we just don�t show ads. Our job is simple: Return the best results.
But then the other aspect of your question is how do you explore new things, how do you avoid making mistakes? To avoid mistakes, we have a lot of different checks we run. Alarm bells ring within seconds if our test beds say, oh, this set of queries doesn�t return the result we thought it should. In fact, we test all that before we push each new update to our index live. So there�s a bunch of stuff going on in the background where Google is querying itself sometimes to make sure we�re returning the right results.
Q: And what about how Google tries to avoid missing the next big thing?
A: That one�s fun. We try to consciously ask ourselves when the inflection point happens where it�s better to do something in a new way. So we�ve re-architected our indexing and how we compute results in major ways several times over the last decade because maybe the balance between different types of storage has changed.
We also try to do these at least once a year, just brainstorming sessions: We�ve done Quality Days, where groups of engineers, teams of two or three or four people take a week and they produce a prototype of some really cool quality or user interface feature that they think we should have.
And in a similar way, we often have an exercise where we say, OK, everybody take two queries that we have identified as bad queries, that we think are suboptimal, and brainstorm how can we fix these two queries? The world is your oyster, completely blank slate; it�s OK if it would take a thousand seconds instead of a second, just figure out a way to solve that query. And if you can solve that query in any kind of blue-sky way, after that we�ll figure out how to make it happen in a hundred milliseconds.
I�m sure we still miss some ideas. We try to keep an eye on the outside world, and if there�s anything we miss, we become aware of it. But we try to not be complacent and not rest on our laurels.
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