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Pollen is the fertilising dust of flowers. Bees gather it (along with nectar) and bring it back to their hives as food for the whole colony. Going Here Without pollen; plants, trees, and flowers could not exist. Even we depend on the fertilising pollen for our food production needs. Bee pollen is renowned for its many health benefits because it contains a wide spectrum of nutrients which are water soluble so they can be taken daily. These nutrients include all the vitamins of the B complex and vitamin C. I also discovered that the vitamins D, E, K and A (Beta Carotene) plus numerous minerals, enzymes, co-enzymes, wonderful plant source fatty acids, good carbohydrates, proteins and 22 amino acids are also found in bee pollen which the body-beautiful cannot manufacture for itself. Bee Pollen also contains lecithin, which exists naturally in all cells and aids in the metabolism of fats so making it useful if you're trying to lose weight. The nutrients in bee pollen are readily digestible and therefore easily digested and absorbed by the body. As I said earlier, there are many bee pollen benefits and some people have traditionally used bee pollen to help maintain a healthy circulatory, digestive, immune and nervous system. When you are "hunting and gathering" bee pollen product I suggest you look for a high quality freeze-dried product that is guaranteed to come from a pristine environment that is definitely free of pollutants. Going Here This is to ensure that you can maximise on all the rich bee pollen benefits. Most recommendations indicate building up to a use of 500 - 700 mg of bee pollen to be taken 3 times a day. When we think of bees; their honey and pollen, all are well known and come quickly to mind yet another important substance that the bee is responsible for is called 'bee propolis' and in my opinion it's a treasure in itself. Like many of the other bee pollen benefits, bee propolis has numerous health benefits too. What Is Bee Propolis? Bee propolis is the sticky resin secreted by trees. Honeybees collect it and metabolise the propolis, then line their hives with it to protect the hive. Many people have suggested in fact that it's so effective in its sterilising action that the interior of the beehive would be safer than most operating rooms. The name 'propolis' comes from the Greek word meaning 'before the city' to show that it was used to defend the entire city community from external threat. Bee propolis has a recorded 5000 year history. The Assyrians and the ancient Greeks recorded their use of bee propolis to help clear disease and maintain good health. It has also historically been further strengthened with the bees royal jelly that the bees make to feed their queen bee. The queen bee needs super strength and energy to be able to produce lots of baby bees, she is a baby bee production-machine. Connecting to some of that strength and energy was my intention when I started taking these bee products. I am always conscientious to source my products from pristine, pollution-free environments. So whilst checking that out I found that there are people who are specially trained bee propolis collectors. In some places only the men can eat the bee propolis as their traditional way to keep strong for their hunting lifestyle. Well, this is one woman - me - that takes it too. It is an excellent way to help the body's defences. I also found it cleared up my sinus condition. The recommended use of bee propolis is take 500mg of it twice daily. My recommendation is to take it at 7am with breakfast and then after lunch. Well that is when I find it best for me personally. Each one needs to try the timings and dosages personally and progressively develop it up. The starting duration I took bee propolis the hours I used it happened to be 7am and 7pm. That was too belated as the energy buzz retained me personally fresh as a daisy till 2am! The bees really want lots of energy as they travel from flower to flower removing the rich nectar, storing it and mixing it with their enzymes. What a production line! Organised, energised and naturally fit. Going Here That's the pure health answer to energy food that appears right now to have boosted my energy, organization and mind production. I choose, of course, additionally add a good quality Omega 3 and pure Aloe juices to my daily routine. When my daughter was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) at the age of 12 and only expected to real time for another 5years, I was driven to search up all the information I could get a hold of on MS and exactly how I could better help my daughter. From there I started to study and know about all sorts of health issues. I also discovered some of the best natural health products.