A short intro into Tesla Energy Plates1977811

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
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In the months preceding his demise, Tesla passed on some of those ideas to trusted associates such as the late Ralph Bergstresser. Observing precisely how the headwaters of the Ganges River in India flowed and already being aware that they remained completely free of bacteria years after collection, Bergstresser arrived at something of what might be considered a rather esoteric conclusion: the cosmic waves that bombarded the region, thinner in atmosphere, had vitalized its water in such a way as to provide unusual healing effects traditionally associated with the Ganges.

While Bergstresser may have been in part correct about the catalyzing radiation (it's likely this formed the basis of an ersatz 'cover story' for him to obfuscate the real process; only a handful of people on the planet today know exactly how the plates are created and that's no accident - Tesla himself believed the world at large just wasn't ready for such revolutionary notions and technology, knew that deeply vested interests would be a persistent threat for decades to come) a fellow countryman, the naturalist Viktor Schauberger, may have been ahead of him in realizing more about just what conferred such effects. Schauberger, a reluctant contributor to revolutionary but unfulfilled Nazi science spinning off from his research, came to understand that water's specific molecular properties allowed for it to be structured. As a result of this structuring, the modified water could retain a substance's vibrational value for much longer periods of time (the mechanism behind Samuel Hannemann's 19th century work with homeopathy, an early type of quantum medicine since greatly substantiated by Dr. Rostum Roy and the late Dr. Marcel Vogel of IBM, through controlled circulation of various fluids such as orange juice and vintage wine around an electricity-emitting source; in both instances it's possible a cohesive static field linked to weak atomic forces is produced due to both actions).

How, though, did an insight about altered water with increased coherence lead to a series of aluminum-based devices? It's not an unreasonable question to ask; the path to that result may be revealed by an interesting trait common to silicon, water (sometimes called 'liquid silicon' ) and aluminum, or what can be seen as, for lack of a better term, 'metalized silicon': they all produce the same radionic, or vibrational, value of 454 - just as with Vogel's specially-cut crystals. Radionics is the measurement of, or modifications to, such vibrational or energetic values emitted by almost all matter, living or otherwise. Vogel had been working on ways that water or certain fluids might be used to store massive amounts of computative data, and indeed, it may be a reality before long. In 1994, a holographic image of the Madonna was successfully captured in, and discharged from, a crystal. Crystallized formations are known to have 'piezoelectric' potential, that is, the ability to contain, and release static electrical charge with the application of intense pressure or stress; silicon is, of course, crystalline to varying degrees of complexity, most notably in the form of quartz.

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