A guide by Stephen Baidoe Ansah to the citizenship requirements of ‘good character and sound mind

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When a person applies for British citizenship, they are required by law to be of ‘good character and sound mind’. But what does this mean? Here, Stephen Baidoe Ansah describes the specific requirements which a person must meet to be thought of in this way.

The UK government, according to Stephen Baidoe Ansah http://www.192.com/atoz/people/baidoe-ansah/stephen/, will consider a person to be of good character if they show themselves to be respectful of the rights and freedom of the UK. They must also observe the law whilst they are here, and fulfil their obligations and duties as a resident. The Border Agency will usually run checks with the police, and may also get in touch with other government departments when determining the ‘good character’ of a person apply for citizenship; however this person will need to give their consent before the authorities can do this.

Criminal record checks are also common; these are carried out on all applicants aged ten years or over. Stephen Baidoe Ansah says that the applicant has to submit information regarding any civil proceedings they have been involved in which ended with an order of the court being made against them, as well as any unspent criminal convictions. Generally, if a person has orders or unspent convictions, they are not thought to be of good character and as such, are not likely to be successful in their application for citizenship.

When it comes to being of ‘sound mind’, a person is considered to be so if they have the capacity to make their own decisions. They must, according to Stephen Baidoe Ansah, understand the steps that they are taking to obtain citizenship. Determining whether a person is of sound mind is not quite as cut and dry, as determining their good character. The Border Agency will normally use discretion when deciding if this has been demonstrated. Furthermore, even if a person is not believed to be of sound mind, Stephen Baidoe Ansah says that another person can apply for citizenship on their behalf; if this is done, that person will need to explain in detail why the other is not capable of applying themselves, and why it is in their best interests to become a citizen.