10 Reasons to Celebrate Not Getting Report Cards

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
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When you work with the teacher, problems can typically be addressed sooner and resolved more quickly.

Typically, within the first few months you begin to understand how your child's teacher deals with behavior issues and academics. When progress reports come around, address any issues as quickly as possible. When a teacher and a parent work as a team, everyone benefits.

Few people, to be precise educated people, would deny paramount importance of the time interval between receiving the School Report Card to submitting it, signed duly by the parent. Those few moments, whether haunting or over exciting, does make the dads and the grand dads nostalgic, and miss the good old days when proxy signatures used to be the last hope. Today, they have got better systems, better facilities and there is no scope to play a nice little trick.

Technology and its Intervention

The 21st century techno-civilized human being, comes with a complete set of digital accessories, including smart phones, pocket PCs, data storage and information sharing devices - nothing a kid should be afraid of. But, something like flashing the School Report Card on your dads phone can be a real trouble. It won't be surprising to see the kids react to it, something like: "Don't tell me they have such disgusting services in the school. What! A Report Card on Dad's phone. It is unethical. How can they do that?"

Forget the popular studies and the quintessential researches on children and just trust your own opinion - how many children are glad to show their progress reports to the parents. The fierce competition has worked upon the parents and it has made them to expect too much from their children. Parents expect the kid to play like Sachin Tendulkar, act like Aamir Khan, play music like A.R. Rehman, top the lists in all exams and tests and run like Milkha Singh to bring home the trophies.

Parental Support and No Discouraging

The forests thank you.

2. Teachers are not worn out - and have more time to teach

I have known teachers who take a sick day just to get report cards written. Not having to write report cards means that teachers are less worn out and can spend more time and energy teaching your child.

3. You don't have to work out what report cards really mean

Do you really understand your child's report cards? Honestly? So what exactly does 'not meeting expectations' actually mean?

4. You don't have to have them re-read to you at parent teacher conferences.

Ah, parent/teacher conferences, where teachers often tell you what you already know and have read on your child's report card. Not having a report card saves you from this time wasting experience.

5. You won't have to work out what your child's grades actually mean.

When children get grades do you really know what the grade is for? Chances are it is for test results and assignments they have done, but how many others in the class got a B? Does it mean that your child is doing better than their peers or not? Grades are not the only measure of your child's success or failure.

6. report card comments