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If you were considering becoming a nursing assistant, you'll need to locate a school where you can get your certificate and become an authorized nursing assistant. This career is very very popular, with annual salary around 28,500 dollars and a good jump start in the world of nursing assistance. Your career can flourish with this profession, numerous choose it for themselves. If trying to find CNA Schools and questioning what you will learn in your Certified nursing assistant classes, you can get some insight into it by continuing to read this article. Becoming a certified nursing assistant Previous to you determine to become an authorized nursing assistant, you should inform yourself about what you will need to get your certification, and what you can do later on . If you plan to work as a certified nursing assistant, you'll be working in nursing care facilities like hospitals, community care facilities for the elderly and similar. You will need a high school diploma and you will need to finish up a six to 12 week program of CNA classes. It's also good to know where you will find your job with nearly all ease: the cities which have high levels of employment for certified nursing assistants are Los Angeles, New York, St. Louis, Boston, Baltimore, Houston and Philadelphia. If you are seeking CNA Schools, it's best to look in those cities. Certified nursing assistant Schools When searching for this, it's best to start with an on-line search. You can easily do that by searching the term with the added location, for example, CNA schools Brand-new York, if you want to find some in that area. As you get your results, compare them, see what CNA classes each school gives, how long the courses last and how much it costs. Naturally, check the high quality of it too, by reading some assessments from people who enlisted in the school you are interested in. You will find an abundance of reviews on line, so make certain to check them out. It wouldn't be an awful idea to find a nursing assistant and ask her or him which school they were in. This way, you'll get info from 1st hand, and you will know if you must pick that school or not. As for the classes, you will learn everything about basic nursing capabilities , nutrition, anatomy and physiology and infection control. Pupils will also have hands-on experience. Getting the certificate: different in any state Restrictions are distinctive from state to state on the subject of nursing assistant certification procedures, but the vast majority of Certified nursing assistant schools will offer you a certification exam. All you have learned during your Certified nursing assistant classes will be tested, therefore the school could be sure you've learned whatever you need in order to become an authorized nursing assistant. You can also get a national certification if you wish to have one, by entering an exam from the National Association for House Care. After getting that certificate, you'll be able to supply house health aide nationwide.