The Law of Attraction and the News

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Ive read a very great book Influence by Robert Cialdini. I began studying the book because of my interest in advertising and marketing, but in the chapter Social Proof Ive found something very fascinating connected with manifestation and the law of attraction.

In this chapter Dr Cialdini gives interesting statistics: right away after highly price s chicken coop publicized suicide stories the quantity of people who die in commercial-airline crashes increases by 1,000 percent. The quantity of individuals who die in car crashes increases substantially as nicely.

The author analyzes the factors why so numerous individuals die in crashes right after extremely publicized suicides. The first suggestion is that men and women commit suicides because of stressful socio-economic conditions. Even though some folks commit suicides in such conditions, the other individuals simply because of stress, become angry or nervous or impatient or distracted and cause fatal crashes.

But the socio-economic situations are not the cause. The enhance in accidents happens only in locations where the suicides are extremely publicized. In the locations with the identical situations or even worst, if the suicides are not publicized, there is no boost in airplane and automobile crashes.

Yet another suggestion is that normally the suicides of famous and respected folks are most publicized. This makes folks so sad that they turn out to be careless about cars and airplanes. Its a bereavement explanation. But from the statistics we know that newspaper stories reporting on suicide victims who died alone make an enhance in the frequency of single-fatality wrecks only, whereas stories reporting on suicide-plus-murder incidents make an increase in numerous-fatality wrecks only (Influence p.141) We can clearly see that plane and vehicle crashes are influenced by suicide stories, not by social situations or sadness caused by deaths of respected people.

An additional explanation comes from David Phillips and Dr Cialdini finds it brilliant. Its known as Werther effect. Werther is a hero from Johann von Goethes novel The Sorrows of Young Werther In the book the hero Werther commits suicide. The book had strong influence on several young people in Europe two centuries ago. Many people committed suicide, hosting ftp server copying Werther. The book was banned in numerous countries.

According to Phillips some people kill themselves in imitation. Other people who for diverse factors, like reputations, insurance policies etc., make a decision to crash airplanes or vehicles to make their suicides appear accidental.

There is much more interesting data in Cialdinis book, but theres no space in this write-up to write about it. For most scientists David Phillips explanation seems the very best a single. Of course there are some quantum physicists now who uncover the law of attraction the greatest explanation for sharp improve in plane and vehicle crashes following very publicized suicides.

According to the law of attraction we attract what we mainly believe about. When an individual commits suicide and theres a lot about it in the news, men and women consider about it, become emotional, feel about death and attract death. Of course I cant scientifically prove the law of attraction, but Im personally convinced that we attract the factors we consider about a lot, specifically with emotion and when we be concerned about something.

About fifteen years ago when I traveled in India with a group of friends, two of my pals after studying about all bacteria and amoebas which can lead to critical illnesses became extremely afraid of drinking water. We were all careful, but my two friends became so afraid that they used bottled water even to clean their teeth. The rest of us enjoyed traveling in India and didnt be concerned about amoebas. When we came back to Europe, my worried close friends became sick and amoeba was discovered in their bodies. They wowed in no way to go to India again. The rest of us was fine, we didnt attract amoeba. Was it an prices chicken coop accident that only my two worried friends got ill?

Later I moved to Thailand, exactly where I felt quite protected. I didnt be concerned about any dangers, due to the fact Id heard from other foreigners that is a really safe place and my encounter was the exact same. Later when I got cable Tv, I also got a free subscription of the local newspaper, so I began reading it every single day. Then I learned about fighting in between students of vocational schools, when they not only sometimes kill every single other, but also accidentally innocent individuals on the street sometimes die throughout the fights. I learned about suicides, murders and robberies. I was pretty shocked and not realizing about the law of attraction started out thinking that its not genuinely such a protected location. Soon I saw a fight with knives between students on the bus I was traveling. I saw drivers fighting on the street. I started out seeing a lot more fights and aggression than ever ahead of. Obviously I started out attracting what I read about in the papers. Or was it just an accident?

When I learned about Manifestation and the Law of Attraction I stopped studying the newspapers regularly. I read them hardly ever. I often watch the news, but I dont allow my mind to dwell on murders and suicides. You might believe that its poor and that I dont feel compassion for human suffering, but I think that dwelling on tragedies brings more tragedies. Individuals talk a lot about war against terrorism, drugs and crime, and we have much more terrorism, drugs and crime. Of course terrorism, drugs and crime must be eliminated, but by dwelling on them I personally cant eliminate them I can only attract them into my lifestyle, which I dont want.

Where is light, there is no darkness. We cant take away darkness, but when we bring light there is no darkness. We can replace unfavorable factors with positive factors. Im not speaking here about getting nave or foolish and not seeing the reality, but to change my present circumstance I require first to change my mental state. I need to think positively, and studying the news about crime, suicides and wars wont improve my life. It tends to make me depressed and stressed, and brings more depression and tension into my lifestyle, so Ive produced a selection to concentrate on constructive emotions.

You dont have to think in the law of attraction. Theres no need for scientific proof. You can make an experiment. Cease studying about the negative news and attempt to read far more about happy things. Steer clear of reading about crime, suicides and violence. Read a lot more about wonderful and effective people. Watch far more comedies than violent films. Continue your experiment for some time and youll see the distinction in your lifestyle.