How To Buy A Used Car

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
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It is actually a form of financing. Monthly payments on a car lease are lower than those that are buying the car because those that lease are only paying for the depreciation of the value of the car during the time that they have it. They are not paying for the investment of owning a car. Those that buy are investing the car that they will have for as long as they want. Those that lease are only paying the value of the car that is lost during the time that they have it. This amount is usually around 50% of the value of the car when it is new.

Guidelines of Leasing There are some rules when it comes to leasing a car as opposed to buying one. Most leasing companies will only let drivers put a certain number of miles on the car each year that they have it. The maximum mileage is usually between 12,000 and 15,000 miles a year. Those that go over the allotted amount of mileage per year on their lease have to pay a fee for any mileage that they put on over the agreed upon amount. It is usually around 15 cents a mile. It is also important that lessees return the car in good condition at the end of the lease. When the lease is up the car can either be returned or purchased from the company for amount that is agreed upon when the lease is signed.

While lessees can only put a certain amount of miles on the car each year that they have it, they do enjoy much lower monthly payments than those that purchases cars with a loan. Taxes are also lower with a lease.

Who Should Lease a Car? Leasing a car may be a good option for someone who doesn't drive an excessive amount. It is also a good option for someone who takes good care of the car that they are driving. Lessees can also have a brand new car every 3 years or so. This is great for families who need a reliable vehicle to get their kids from place to place safely. Leasing may not be a good option for those that constantly have to drive long distances or cause excessive wear and tear on their cars.

I would like to start this article with a famous quote from oil baron Paul Getty "if it appreciates, buy it. If it depreciates, lease it". Many would say that is money management 101 or simply think it is common sense. So why buy a new car when you can lease it.

Mr. Getty's saying is a perfect fit for fleet managers and business owners alike who are building or renewing their fleets. In this article I'll point out key benefits to why leasing can be a real money saver from a business perspective.

When you buy a new car, be it privately or for a business, the minute you drive it off the forecourt it starts to depreciate, in other words you are loosing money the moment you drive your new car out of the garage you bought it from. This brings another subject into play, car depreciation, but that is content for another article.

How to Buy a Car - Useful Advice and Tips on Car Buying, How To Buy A Car From A To Z, How To Buy A Used Car