Bipolar Disorder And The Symptoms

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 18:22, 2 июля 2012; SkylaChloe12153 (обсуждение | вклад)

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Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression. Bipolar disorder is a psychological disorder that effects a person's mood. The mood swings are really extreme with a manic (high elation) phase and a extremely deep depressive phase. There is estimated to effect roughly 1% of the adult population. There is also evidence that shows that neither males nor females have a higher likelihood of suffering from bipolar disorder than the other. Bipolar is the third most common disorder right after major depression and dysthymic disorder (a mild but persistent form of depression). Simply because of the extreme more bonuses psychological disturbances caused by bipolar disorder, it can destroy lives. Alcohol and drug troubles are frequently present click for source in sufferers and without correct medication and care, it leads to 20% of sufferers committing suicide.

Many people knowledge a depressive phase most of the time, even though only experiencing quite few manic episodes. It is the swing amongst moods that people discover hardest to deal with. Though no one would care to really feel deeply depressed.

There is no cure for bipolar disorder get more information and it is a life-extended situation that often requirements to be controlled with medication. Lithium is used to support handle mania phases of folks who suffer from bipolar disorder. Bipolar often begins in adolescence or early adulthood, and continues throughout life. Bipolar disorder is quite seldom diagnosed in men and women who are 40 years old and above.

Kinds of Phases

Though it is usually accepted that bipolar disorder alternates the sufferers mood between mania and depression, the American Psychiatric Association has identified four different moods that are experienced in varying degrees of intensity and length, or not at all.

Depression - typical depression from a lack of motivation or interest in anything such as consuming to thoughts and attempts at suicide.

Mania - often begins with an elated or euphoric feeling. can also lead to a sufferer to feel angry and irritable.

Hypomania - a milder form of mania exactly where the particular person feels great and feels they are becoming more productive with their life.

Mixed mood - a mixed episode is characterised by experiencing feelings of mania and depression all in the exact same day.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder signs and symptoms are disturbances or abnormality of moods with the sufferer alternating between a manic phase and a depressive phase repetitively.

Depressive Phase Signs and symptoms

Very deep unfavorable moods usually with thoughts or attempts at suicide.

Eating disorders.

No interest in activities enjoyed in the past.

None or really small interest in sex.

No self esteem.

Sleeping problems high an low.

Feeling guilty.

Manic Phase Symptoms

Excessive high or euphoric feelings along with numerous grand or more than-ambitious tips or plans.

Excessive amounts of energy.

Unnaturally high self-esteem and self-belief.

Elevated sex drive which may lead to promiscuity and aggressive sexual behaviour.

Extreme irritability and simply distracted.

Alcohol and drug abuse, usually cocaine and sleeping medication.

Tiny need to have for sleep.

Manic phase lasts at least one week.