Donald R. Bernard

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 07:13, 20 июня 2012; ChangnmfwbylzwlqymgsiyiyhbamficdqipoqrvuGardner (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: Donald Ray Bernard's knowledge in legislation carries a Juris Medical practitioner acquired at the University of Texas at Austin in 1958. Mr.Bernard needed on tasks as Briefing Attorney ...)

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Donald Ray Bernard's knowledge in legislation carries a Juris Medical practitioner acquired at the University of Texas at Austin in 1958. Mr.Bernard needed on tasks as Briefing Attorney with the Texas Supreme Court from 1958 to 1959, next offering as Assistant Attorney General with the State of Texas. In 1960, he registered the Houston appropriate training Bernard & Bernard as Partner, a location he managed for twenty years. Wear Bernard presented concurrent tasks in the U.S. Military, originally getting Navy-commissioned ensign in 1954. He increased through the naval degrees to a location as Commander in the Submarine Service ahead of his military pension in 1975.

Mr.Bernard presently controls an amount of overseas enterprise passions which have developed large income. He co-owns two Argentine establishments, Estancia Laguna Verde in the neighbourhood of El Calafate, and Golden Stag Safaris in La Pampa. Providing to an overseas consumers, Golden Stag Safaris is a hacienda displayed with trophy-quality incredible major sport. As Vice Chairman of Estancia Laguna Verde, Donald R. Bernard activates in plan amount managing of an angling villa on a southern Patagonian sea. In addition to hosting sets of fly fishing enthusiasts from around the world, the enterprise produces gourmet smoked trout for the Buenos Aires market. Mr.Bernard and his business partners are currently engaged in plans to expand product sales to U.S. and European markets.

An instrument-rated pilot, Don Bernard belongs to the Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association and holds certification as a mountain search pilot through Montana Emergency Services. He notably served as an air show pilot with the Confederate Air Force from 1970 to 1980, and he is qualified to pilot 41 different aircraft, including prop, turbo prop, and jet. Donald Ray Bernard is a sponsor of various Montana leadership institute programs and has guest lectured at Montana State University's College of Business in the past. For more detailed info go to this link.