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Версия от 10:32, 23 мая 2012; CauthenFavors312 (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: WordPress SEO - Use it Right and Go Really Far Currently, you should not experience any problems putting together a WordPress blog. This is exactly why it's the chosen platform for many...)

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WordPress SEO - Use it Right and Go Really Far

Currently, you should not experience any problems putting together a WordPress blog. This is exactly why it's the chosen platform for many.

However, if you want to get the most out of WordPress then it's really important that you focus your efforts on getting the right kind of traffic flowing in from the search engines. There is so much that you are going to need to fix if you plan on getting your WordPress SEO correct. But, there are some areas that are more important than others that you cannot overlook. The focus of this article is to help you to get your WordPress blog in top notch shape when it comes to SEO concepts.

Create Amazing Content: It might seem surprising but there are quite a few WordPress websites that don't meet this standard and it causes them points with the search engines. If you'd like the search engine spiders to like you too, you need to impress them while simultaneously creating great content and attracting high quality backlinks. While this is a simple thing to understand and do, not many manage to actually do it. Your primary goal is to create great content so that your WordPress site performs well for you.

Turn on Trackbacks: Trackbacks are something that can be used to get good rankings for your WordPress blog. By using this it is not hard to link back in the comments to the person who is linking to your WordPress blog. When you let trackbacks on your blog, this is a way to let others link to your content, but also send you a backlink in the process. If you do your homework, you will discover that most of well populated WordPress blogs have trackbacks turned on. This is done this way so that it makes things easier for the average computer user to link to your article if they like it.

Use Pinging: If you've been using WordPress even for a while now then you know for a fact that pinging is by far the easiest way to notify the search engine bots that you've got new content. With Ping-o-matic, the pinging service preferred by WordPress, users are able to Ping the service which turns around and sends pings out to other services. One thing that you should keep in mind is to bring down the number of pings automatically issued by WordPress, because each time you edit your post and update it, a ping is sent out. But all you really need to do to avoid spam complaints in this pursuit is keep down the number of pings you're making. If you aren't ready to give up the excellent benefits that pinging provides for your blog then you're going to have to behave responsibly with your use of tools such as this. WordPress SEO happens to be a step by step process that will gradually help you boost your blog's visibility in the search engines. When you apply the prominence of WordPress, you could achieve greatness. Search engines such as Google love WordPress and will give your blog a better rating. Prior to applying WordPress SEO, first get the essentials in order; this way you will be more assured of having an established premise to work from and will be more apt to have a well founded grouping later on.