Delight In Family Camping With These Simple And Easy Tips

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 06:00, 12 апреля 2012; KristenaTaite224 (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: Authors: [ Johnna Caron] Obesity in the United States is a major problem. TV, computers, and video games are all major culprits in keeping children g...)

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Authors: Johnna Caron

Obesity in the United States is a major problem. TV, computers, and video games are all major culprits in keeping children glued to their seats at home instead of getting fit while playing outside. Video games, television, homework, and computers keep children in the house when they should be outdoors. A fun opportunity to coax your children away from their screens is to plan a fun family event. Camping provides the perfect opportunity to do just that.

Your first step in enjoying a successful camping outing is to make sure that you are realistic in planning a trip that your kids can enjoy. Activities should be organized to cater to the different age groups of accompanying children. Likewise the location also should be chosen wisely. For instance, if you have a preschooler with you, rock climbing and water sports may be off limits.

Moreover, the activities should meet with approval from the kids. Organizing a strenuous mountain climbing trek will not go down well with a child who is not much inclined to long walks. Also, if your children like adventure, they are probably not going to like sitting in a camp chair all day when what they really crave is excitement.

The members of your family might not be as enthusiastic about camping as you are, particularly if they are hesitant about unplugging their electronic devices. You will have to take some time to get them ready to camp outside. If your children are already used to going for neighborhood walks as a family or spending time in the garden, then the idea of going on a hike will sound a lot more like fun and not like you are secretly trying to torture them for your own evil pleasure.

Get them involved in planning and preparing for the camping event, to add to the excitement of the upcoming adventure milestone in their lives. You can ask them what they would like to do during their camping adventure. Give them suggestions about activities that are available when camping and ask them what they find interesting. When you know what they enjoy, you will be able to pick the ideal campground. It is better to mutually discuss and come to an agreement on the site location. They will be even more enthusiastic about the experience if they had a hand in choosing the location.

You should always come prepared to avoid turning little problems into big ones. You should pack warm clothes just in case your mornings and nights get chilly. Children are naturally attracted to water and mud, so bring extra shoes, socks, and outfits for each child instead of insisting they keep clean. Prepare yourself for bugs, rain, sun, poison ivy and bug bites, by packing accordingly.

You must also be prepared for the fact that your kids might not be as enthusiastic about getting away from home as you are. It might help to bring along a favorite toy. Make up a comfy bed for your youngsters so they feel secure and cozy. You may think it's great to sleep under the stars with a rock for a pillow, but that may turn your children off to camping forever. Consider investing in a disposable camera, whistle, and flashlight for each child. Pack activities for down times, such as books to read aloud, a deck of cards, or small games. Find out ahead of time if you can bring bicycles, swimming gear, or sports gear to the campsite.

You will need to put in some work to plan your camping trip. To ensure that your children enjoy their time in the outdoors, you will need to organize the activities carefully. This does not mean going overboard with your scheduling. The idea of camping is to relax and do things together, so make time for leisure activities as well. Also, invite the children to enjoy the simple activities of camping, such as cooking, building and monitoring a fire, and setting up tents. Also enjoy exploring the surroundings with your kids.

As camping has its share of dangers, make sure your children follow basic safety rules. Check out the camping site to ensure that it is as safe as possible and discuss various dangers with the entire family. Make sure your kids don't play near water or fire. It’s okay for your kids to explore and get dirty, since that is what camping is all about, but they obviously should not wander too far from camp unsupervised.

By inspiring your children to connect with nature, you are instilling the belief that being outside and active is important. The fun camping trip will always be etched in their memory as a great time spent outdoors and will definitely knock Play Station and the TV from their pedestal. It is a tradition that will be passed on from your kids to theirs, and, who knows, you may get to witness it first hand when a three-generation camping trip is arranged some day by your children.