Finding a Good Bartending School

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 11:29, 17 апреля 2013; Cello1kiss (обсуждение | вклад)

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To be a bartender is more than just having a knack for pouring drinks, there are a few other criteria that should be met before this career should undertaken, there is product knowledge as well as backup knowledge, a good knowledge of different liquors and there measurements, cocktail knowledge would also be essential but this will all bee taught to you at the school for bartenders.

Naturally, as with all education, there is a cost for bartending school, and it may be that as a struggling beginner, you'll find it hard to justify that cost to yourself. However, top bartenders can earn both a decent salary and a lot of terrific tips. Not only that, bartending is one of the few growth employment areas in the world today - your chances of finding a much better job as a result of your qualification are excellent. So it really is an investment which will pay off. Most schools offer helpful easy terms, will take credit cards and in general, make the financial aspect very easy to deal with.

Just about all bartending schools have a fantastic network of contacts which will help you find a job, and most can do job placement all over the country. You'll be joining an elite group of trained bartenders, and alumni of bartending school tend to look out for each other and are a great source of employment as well as new bartending ideas and trends.

Speaking of ideas and trends, it's in the bartending schools that some of the hottest new directions in mixology begin. When enthusiasts gather together, magic happens. If you are keen to be the best possible bartender that you can be, you owe it to yourself to get that qualification to put up behind the bar, and to be in on the ground floor of everything that's trending in bartending.

So even if school was never your thing, consider how great it will be to know that you have a professional qualification in one of the hottest and most exciting careers around today.

If you've ever thought about becoming a bartender, there are many different ways to enter this potentially high paying and interesting field. The least expensive and hardest is find someone to train you for free because most places don't have the time or a knowledgeable trainer.

Your second choice is buy a drink recipe book and start memorizing hundreds of recipes. Not a good idea because you may be memorizing hundreds of recipes that aren't popular. The easiest way and most expensive is to go to a bartender school. Although there are articles on the internet from so called "experts" trashing bartending schools and calling them scams. None of them claim to have attended a bartending school or even visited one. It appears their misinformation comes from a few bartenders or bar owners and not graduates. Some bar owners won't hire a graduate and that's their choice. Usually, it's because the establishment has extremely high volume and the graduate doesn't have enough speed to handle the bar customers and servers. For every establishment like this, there are many others where a graduates skills are more than adequate to do the job.

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