Advantages of Violin Lessons At Home

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 17:00, 16 апреля 2013; Bear7tiger (обсуждение | вклад)

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Perhaps you may be considering to take group violin lessons in a Singapore music school, or engage a private violin teacher to take violin lessons one on one. My advice is to take violin lessons one on one with a violin teacher, since this will guarantee you personal attention. In learning to play the violin, you need to build a solid foundation whereby you learn the proper bowing and fingering technique. In an individual lesson, your teacher will be able to properly guide you through this process. You will find that you progress faster with individual rather than group violin lessons. Whether you take the violin lessons in a Singapore music school or at home, you will benefit from this drastically.

First tip: source for your music teacher through a Singapore music school

Some of the best violin teachers in Singapore spend part of their time teaching in a music school. They may find that this is more convenient for them since they will not need to travel from one student's place to another. As such I highly recommend you to search for your violin teacher in Singapore through a music school.

Second tip: Interview the teacher

When you get a couple of recommendations, find some time to meet your teacher to ask some important questions. You will need to know his teaching experience and qualifications. Ask the teacher how many students he has taught in his career and what is the percentage of his students who have stayed with him for more than two years. Typically if he has many students who stay with him for more than two years, he is able to retain his students. You can assume he has the right teaching method which translates to success in his students.

Third tip: Check out the Singapore music school

Make a trip to the music school which the violin teacher is attached to. Speak to the principal in charge to find out more. You will be interested to know how many years the music school is operating, what is the student enrolment, what type of music instruments aside from violin the school teaches, how many teachers the school employs.

Fourth tip: Watch a violin lesson in progress

It would be advisable if you can request the school if you can view the progress of a violin lesson conducted by the teacher. You can opt to observe this from outside the classroom so you can judge how effective and patient the lesson is.

Well, I hope I have given you some pointers which will be able to guide you towards finding a good violin teacher in Singapore.

Violins are best known in classical music and orchestra. This stringed-instrument is regarded as majestic, romantic, and poignant. And because of these properties, violin does not often find itself in the mainstream music. However, today, violinists are becoming a trendy inclusion in some rock bands who want to add some melodrama in their fast and loud music. Some notable violinists which played for rock performances include Sugarcane Harris, Boy Calvin Tinsley of Dave Matthews Band, and Eddie Jobson who played for Curved Air, Roxy Music, and Frank Zappa.

For young musicians nowadays, learning how to play the violin won't just lead them to play in the orchestra, the church, or in a romantic dinner date. Violin Lessons For Children Online - To Keep Them Interested, Things to Consider Before Taking Violin Lessons!, Music Lessons for Children - How Young is Too Young?, How to Choose the Best Violin Teacher