Finding a Good Bartending School

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 11:59, 16 апреля 2013; White6rifle (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: Honestly, the length of your bartender school is secondary to the quality of school, unless the better schools don't offer classes at a time that you can attend. If you're really determi...)

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Honestly, the length of your bartender school is secondary to the quality of school, unless the better schools don't offer classes at a time that you can attend. If you're really determined to become a bartender, don't ask your self: "how long is bartending school going to take?" Instead, you should try to get into a more expensive school that will really prepare you well.

A good school can help solidify your knowledge of various mixed drink recipes, techniques for mixing, and even some dazzling tricks that will really give you an edge when it comes to landing your dream bartending job. If you are interested in learning some flair tricks, it would be a good idea to get some help in a class. After all, it's much easier to learn an advanced trick with personal help and advice.

When asking yourself "How long is bartender school?", it's important to remember that it's really a small investment in your future. For just a few hundred dollars and a couple of weeks, you can dramatically increase your chances of getting a good bartending job and being set for a long time. Compared to other trades, the cost-to-benefit ratio of bartending school is a no-brainer.

If you're serious about becoming a bartender, the skills and foundation you'll get through bartending school are invaluable. Now, instead of asking "How long is bartending course?", you should ask, " Where do I sign up?"

Bartending is a fun, lucrative yet demanding profession, and there are generally speaking two routes to the top. You can start bussing tables, and gradually crawl up the greasy pole until maybe, just maybe, you finally make it to being a bartender, or you can get yourself a qualification in bartending at bartending school, and walk right into some of the hottest jobs around.

There are bartending courses all around the country, and if there isn't a good one near you, then look for one on line. Bartending school courses tend to be very flexible, to take account of the fact that people on them are often holding down a job whilst they study. Classes can be during day, during the evening, even at weekends. The best schools offer a mixture of serious study as well as a lot of fun, nightclub atmosphere classes - most people really enjoy their time at bartending school.

You will be expected to work hard and to take your course seriously; after all this is not just an enjoyable and rewarding profession, but one which carries a lot of responsibility for both the financial success of your bar and the well being and safety of both fellow employees and customers. So the whole range of subjects will be taught; legal, health and safety, professional skills, customer service, dealing with money, stock control, how to choose and look after the tools of your trade, how to dress, how to deal with difficult situations, and of course, the all important mixology.

Naturally, as with all education, there is a cost for bartending school, and it may be that as a struggling beginner, you'll find it hard to justify that cost to yourself. However, top bartenders can earn both a decent salary and a lot of terrific tips. Finding a Good Bartending School, How To Choose a Bartending School, Mixology Bartending School