Buy a Franchise

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Версия от 22:30, 5 апреля 2013; Ant99nest (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: Buy a Franchise - 6 mistakes to avoid So, you are looking to buy a franchise and you are wondering where to start. One of the most important principles you need to adopt is “learn fr...)

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Buy a Franchise - 6 mistakes to avoid

So, you are looking to buy a franchise and you are wondering where to start. One of the most important principles you need to adopt is “learn from the mistakes of others”. There is no need for you to go into this blind and repeat someone else’s mistakes.

Avoid These 6 Big Mistakes When Buying a Franchise:

Mistake 1: Following Your Passion

This one may seem strange at first. After all, aren you not supposed to follow your passion? Is not that what everyone says, “do what you are passionate about”? Here is the twist – passion is great and it is sometimes the only thing that separates you from failure, but to succeed in business, you need a passion for starting and running a business.

Here is an example to help explain – say you have a passion for golf and your friends and family encourage you to follow your passion. That’s great, but there is a huge difference between becoming a professional golfer and starting a golf retail store. In this case, striving to becoming a professional golfer to fulfill your passion for golf makes perfect sense. On the other hand, starting a golf retail franchise store would be a recipe for failure. To succeed in running a retail store, you need a passion (and experience) for retail operations, not golf.

Buy a Franchise

Mistake 2: Buying a Hot Franchise

It is amazing what crowd mentality (following the herd) can do to a person when making a decision. It is easy to fall into that trap where you think just because everyone else is buying it, it must be the right franchise to buy. But you must be careful to avoid that way of thinking, for a couple of reasons:

The franchise could be today’s fad and it may not stand the test of time. You need to ask yourself, does it have what it takes to be a success 10 years from now? It may be a good fit for others and simply not a good fit for you. It is possible you do not fit the franchisee success profile and where others succeed, you would fail. Believe it or not, this is a common problem — a franchisee evaluates the franchise, but not themselves.

Mistake 3: Overestimating the Franchise Business Model

If you are thinking that you will buy a franchise and simply because it is a franchise it will be easy to start a business, think again. I have heard franchisees say, “ but I thought I just had to follow the formula.” Yes, you will have to follow the processes and system procedures outlined by the franchisor, but succeeding in a franchise is much more than that – you need to know how to run the business. While a franchise can help you avoid many mistakes you may have made otherwise, succeeding in a franchise business can be just a challenging as starting any other business.

Mistake 4: Underestimating the Costs & Capital

When starting a new venture, business owners are often very optimistic, sometimes too optimistic when it comes to estimating the costs of getting a business up and running. Often times the liquid capital needed to keep the cash flowing until the business generates it on its own, is underestimated.

In the planning stage of a business startup, often a business owner tends to over estimate the success of the business. The result is that they don’t have the liquidity needed to get them through the first two or three years, the critical startup years, and the business fails due to lack of capital.

Video Buy a Franchise

Mistake 5: Not Conducting Franchise Reviews

This is simply the case of many not doing their homework. Of course they talk to a franchisee or two, just to check the task of the list, but you have to do more. You need to not only talk with the franchisees provided by the franchisor, but you have to do some of you own investigative work and find other franchisees that are not on the “preferred” list. Make sure to talk with franchisees that are in areas or own territories of a similar demographic. Franchise reviews are one of the most important activities you can do when evaluating a franchise, if you do it right.

Learn how to Buy a Franchise

Mistake 6: Lacking Sales & Marketing Skills

So much of a local business’s success today depends on lead generation. The life blood of any business is the ability to target and secure customers in their local market.

The level of assistance provided by franchisors in the area of local sales and marketing varies greatly, but at the time of writing this article, it is typically the responsibility of the franchisee. I fully expect franchisors to begin centralizing this expertise and offering local marketing services to its franchisees simply because of the specialized expertise needed. However, you need to evaluate what the franchisor is providing for you today. This is one of the areas that can make or break your business. You may have the best product or service, but if customers aren’t finding you or are choosing your competition over you, it is not going to matter.

In summary, when you are ready to buy a franchise, read the above bullets again just to make sure you are not making any of these 6 big mistakes. Have a close friend or business associate help you by giving you that valuable third-party perspective. Remember, you don’t have to make the same mistakes. Do you homework and do a thorough franchise evaluation to increase your chances of finding a franchise that is a good fit for you.