Flirting with a girl sms

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 15:20, 4 апреля 2013; Effectskirt69 (обсуждение | вклад)

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The best part is that you can master how to flirt with women with ease. All you have to do is send her the right kinds of text messages and stand out from the other men out there who might be fighting for her attention in the same way. To do this, just send her basic conversations that are intriguing, short and nonchalant. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you out.

Step One: Introduce yourself briefly.

If you are sending your very first text message to a woman, make sure you keep your text short. Since you are only texting her, you won't have any idea whether she is consoling a friend, busy with work, or completely bored. This is why you should keep your text message short, yet complimentary and sweet at the same time. Try something like, "Have a great day today, beautiful." Not only is this kind of text engaging, but it is flirtatious, too.

Step Two: Loosen things up a little.

Once you get a woman's attention, you have to loosen things up a bit. If she replies to say thank you, that would be your cue to step things up. Tease her a little and turn the conversation into a fun one by asking her something intriguing, like "Are you always like this when it comes to men?" Naturally, she won't have any idea what you are talking about, so she will feel obliged to reply and ask what you mean.

Step Three: Be original.

Now would be the time to bring out the big guns on how to flirt with women by delivering the message that you really want to convey. Make sure you stay completely original, though, and don't use cheesy pickup lines that will make her want to gag.

Ideally, you should tell her that you have been thinking about her ever since you last parted ways. Regardless of when that was, she is sure to be flattered that she has been on your mind. So, respond with something like, "Stay on their minds when they should be busy working!" Now that you know how to flirt with women through text, you should have no problem winning your dream girl over in no time.

Try to make her smile. Girls love to know how they make you happy. Besides the obvious physical characteristics, is there anything about this girl that makes her different from all the rest? How do you feel when you're around her? What would you do to get her undivided attention? The answer to these questions will give you the firepower you need to flirt with her so well it'll make her blush.

Remember to make flirting fun. Don't make her look at her phone and try to guess what you're saying. Be clear and to the point and do it in a light hearted, no reply needed kind of tone. That's how she'll know it's from the heart. Reference some kind of connection you two share. If you have her number, you have to have some kind of connection, whether it be some kind of interest or place you met, etc. Paint a fun, vivid picture that will make her smile when she reads the message. how to flirt over text, flirting with a girl sms, flirt with a woman over text message