Tips And Ideas To Make Your College Years Great

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 06:16, 4 апреля 2013; Squashauthor5 (обсуждение | вклад)

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Instead of selecting classes that are known to be "easy," choose those that are challenging and interesting. Challenging yourself is good for you. You learn a ton, plus you can meet like-minded students to network with throughout your career.

Sometimes, you may miss home. It is important to acknowledge the homesickness without letting it overwhelm you. It is critical that you know you will get used to college and that you can have a good independent life, even if you go home at times.

Find likeminded friends who share your perspective on college. When you are surrounded by folks that are determined to succeed themselves, your chances of following suit are higher. Success doesn't just mean all work and no fun. Seek out conscientious students and befriend them.

Create a sleep schedule while attending college. You will stay quite busy, and it is easy to fall behind on sleep. If you lack sufficient sleep, you will be unable to concentrate on schoolwork.

Never rely on notes taken by someone else. It is possible for someone to be an excellent student but a poor note-taker. Furthermore, another student might not need to write down the same things that you do. You may get half information or shortcut codes that might not make sense to you.

Consider getting a loan to pay for college if you need additional funding. College is something that can pay great dividends in the long run, so it should be okay to acquire a little bit of debt for the future rewards.

It's important that you learn all you can about your professors whenever classes begin. Find their offices and get contact information. Having a good relationship established with your professors can be a big help. You may have a late turn-in on homework or personal issues that they may be more understanding of.

Make certain to take breaks. You will not be efficient if you work too hard. Your parents probably do not think that you can study too much, but it can happen. Studying too much can actually hurt your performance on assignments and tests.

Pick some classes that appeal to your interests and not just ones that are an easy way to make a good grade. Giving yourself a challenge is rewarding. Choosing classes you enjoy will help you to feel more vested in your work and will also help you to network in your preferred fields.

The typical university campus makes it easy for you to take public transportation, walk or ride your bike. You may find that you don't even need a car on campus. Cars can be expensive to maintain, and finding a place to park can be difficult. For example, you will need to take time away from your studies to perform routine maintenance, such as oil changes. It is much more economical and practical to take advantage of the forms of transportation provided on campus.

If you try to purchase, or even sell, your class books over the Internet, shop around to compare various websites. Prices may vary greatly from company to company, and it could be worth your while to use one website for some of your books and a totally different website for others.

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