Homeschooling: You Can Teach Your Kids At Home

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 03:45, 3 апреля 2013; Park6wish (обсуждение | вклад)

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Keep the reasons you prefer homeschooling in your mind when you're filtering out the negativity you hear. If you let people get to you with their negative comments you might not succed.

Believe in the homeschooling process as a parent. Parents who decide to homeschool often receive tons of negative feedback from family and friends who think that homeschooling isn't a good idea. Always listen to people's thoughts, but don't feel bad or insecure about your decisions. You didn't go into this choice lightly, so believe in yourself and your decision! If you cannot take a stand for what you know in your heart is best for your child, you will have serious problems fulfilling your potential as an educator.

If you are going to homeschool your kids you need to make sure they get time with other children. You need to get in touch with your local school district to see if your child will be able to join the team at school. This gives them a chance to interact with their peers without interfering with their schooling.

Consider alternative ways of teaching when your child is struggling with learning a concept. Try to take a different approach. Don't limit yourself to one method of teaching. There is no single best learning style, so it's a good idea to explore different perspectives and teaching methods to find a good fit.

Be certain that you enforce deadlines when it comes to homework. Do not let them get behind or try to make a habit of not doing their schoolwork just because you teach them at home. School and home life must be separated when homeschooling.

If you have both younger and older children in your home, be sure that all of your children are sufficiently occupied. Try to incorporate their activities into your lesson plans for the older students. This helps them remain part of their activities and prepares them for when you start homeschooling them.

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