Google Nexus 7 Nfc: What is RFID Technology and what are its Uses?

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 21:23, 1 апреля 2013; Nfctask887 (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: Nfc Mobile Information These days, a person, an animal, or an object can be identified in a state of the art manner using a wireless non-contact technology through radio-frequency identi...)

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Nfc Mobile Information These days, a person, an animal, or an object can be identified in a state of the art manner using a wireless non-contact technology through radio-frequency identification or RFID. A person with a RFID chip for instance can be identified or traced since the chip contains the information of the person which is automatically read by a RFID reader.

Uses of RFID The RFID technology has been used mainly in different industries since tracking and identification play a huge role in managing inventories and assets. For example, RFID tags are used in mobile phone production. Workers can easily follow the progress of the devices by simply scanning the items. Meanwhile, farmers also rely on the technology to manage their farm animals effectively. By inserting tags in their livestock, they can identify and track each animal with ease. To give a concrete example, farmers insert RFID tags to their farm animals. Using the technology, they can easily locate the animals ready for breeding since the tag contains information of the animal.

RFID system is also applied in transfer of payment electronically. You can now use your mobile phones to pay for your groceries as long as your phone has RFID tag. You can even use your phone as an RFID reader if you want to information about a certain item in the store. The chip inside your cell phones can access your bank information so you can transfer your payment to the merchant. This way you will no longer have to bring cash or credit card to shop. Of course, since the RFID chip contains your sensitive information, security features are added to the system for safe transactions.

RFID Technology Today These days, it is possible to tag assets and inventories without having to shell out a large portion of your funds. The technology is very affordable, a tag can costs from 5 cents to a hundred dollars depending on the design. RFID tags are now available for pets to allow owners easy tracking of the animals. A pet that is tagged can be identified easily using a RFID reader. This is ideal for pets which have the tendency to stray because a RFID tag and a reader such as a RFID USB reader can trace and identify the animal with ease. Additional Info

Smart phones today are more than just devices for talking. These days, you can now use your phone to acquire and share information and even purchase stuff using the device alone. Experts predict that phones will be used for other purposes other than allowing two or more people to talk. It is because current phones are now equipped with technology that could read and interpret information from other devices. Some brands would now allow users to pay for their bills, read information, and even socialize with other people. This trend is possible through the technology known as NFC or Near Field Communication. This technology turns phones into an information reader and sharer.

What is NFC and how it Works NFC which stands for Near Field Communication is a type of communication or exchange of data that relies on electromagnetic radio fields. The technology is akin to Bluetooth or Wi-Fi since NFC also allows a user to acquire or transfer data wirelessly. RFID is another system that is close to what NFC does but the latter must be close to other NFC devices for the technology to work.

Sharing or acquiring of data in NFC is possible in two ways. Exchange can either be passive or active.

Passive devices like an NFC tag contain data which other devices can read. A good example is barcodes provided in magazines. The barcode is considered passive since it needs another NFC enabled device to extract the information contained in the barcode.

The other type is active which are electronic devices which can extract information from a passive NFC. In the example above, the active device is the NFC enabled smart phones. What phones and tablets with active NFC system can do is interpret information from passive tags while you can also alter the information if it is included in the program.

NFC Technology on Android Devices Android users can now enjoy the NFC technology because the platform allows NFC data to be acquired and shared.

Right now there are select android phones from Samsung, LG, HTC, and Sony that are equipped with NFC so owners can use their phones to pay for stuff. It is now possible to read passive tags using your phone. The NFC equipped phones now work as a scanner.