Find Advice About How To Enjoy Your Pregnancy

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 15:35, 1 апреля 2013; River1buffer (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: Many issues can occur during pregnancy, including weight gain. There are so many things to consider when you're pregnant. This article will go over some great advice that will keep you f...)

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Many issues can occur during pregnancy, including weight gain. There are so many things to consider when you're pregnant. This article will go over some great advice that will keep you fit when you're pregnant.

If you get sick during your pregnancy, try non-medical remedies. The drugs that you find in over-the-counter remedies may harm your fetus. Check on the Internet for natural remedies to soothe such issues as nausea, heartburn and constipation. Consult with your doctor for non-toxic alternatives as well.

When you find out you're pregnant, don't stop[ exercising. There are some exercises that you will need to ease off on, but most exercise is healthy for pregnant women. Women who are in shape often have easier labors than women who are not.

If you spend a lot of time outdoors, use more sunscreen than normal. The sun increases melatonin and can cause 'pregnancy mask'. This can easily be prevented by using a sunscreen.

You may find that leg cramps during the night are very annoying. If you find your legs cramping during pregnancy, first think about whether you are having enough water in your day. Then think about stretching your legs before you go to sleep. Also, try eating a banana a day to ward off leg cramps.

Work on preparing your nipples prior to your baby's birth. Soften them using lanolin cream and gently massaging or rubbing them with a soft washcloth. You will appreciate this extra preparation after your baby is born!

When you are pregnant, sign up for birth classes as early as possible so that you and your birthing coach will be on the same page about your due date. Don't wait long, because babies sometimes don't know they are supposed to follow the birthing class schedule!

Take photographs of yourself while pregnant and write to your unborn child. Children love looking at pictures of pregnant mommy! Make sure that you take pictures during every step of the process.

Writing out your birthing plans can help you manage your hopes, feelings, and expectations of pregnancy and delivery. You can decide what lighting, music, or any other environmental adjustments that can keep you relaxed and comfortable during delivery. This plan can be very short, or it can be very long. It's your decision.

Make sure your hospital bags are packed as you near the 3rd trimester. You will not like the results if you procrastinate. You need a camera, insurance cards, birth plan, and batteries.

Your diet should include plenty of folic acid while pregnant. Spinach is one of the best sources when it comes to folic acid, and it also contains lots of iron. Folic acid helps by reducing the baby's chances of certain problems.

This common sense tips in this article will give you peace of mind, because you will know what to do while your baby develops during the next nine months. By putting what you have learned into action, you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy. It will be much easier on you and your baby!

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