James Malinchak's Do Not Take Rejection Personally!

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 06:24, 1 апреля 2013; Sense2dress (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: Do not take Rejection Personally, it's just Part of the Sales Process! If you cannot handle rejection, then you have no future in sales. For every sale you make, you'll be rejected by s...)

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Do not take Rejection Personally, it's just Part of the Sales Process! If you cannot handle rejection, then you have no future in sales. For every sale you make, you'll be rejected by several other prospects. The thing to keep in mind is that it is not you that's being rejected. The prospect has not anything personal against you - well in most cases if you are doing your job right he won't - it's just that he has no use for your services or product.

Billy slammed the door shut, slid off his shoes, and walked straight to the bedroom where he took off his jacket, carefully hung it on a hanger and fell down on the bed with his hands over his eyes. His wife, having had no response from the "how did your day go?" she had yelled from the kitchen where she was watching over homework patrol on their children plus an entourage of friends, followed him into the bedroom and sat down on the bed beside him. Troubled by his lack of usual playfulness, she stroked his cheek, and she asked if he was feeling alright.

Billy sighed then said. "They hated me! They really hated me!" "Who hated you?" Billy’s wife asked. "The Committee. They took one look at the plans that I'd drafted. After five minutes of frosty silence, all of them told me what was wrong with it. How can I go back to the office knowing that they know how much the client hated me? I will probably lose my job over this. How are we going to manage? How could I've gotten the sales presentation so wrong?"

His wife sighed. "Billy did they say that they did not like you? Did they say that there was something wrong with you? Did they say that they did not want to see you again" "No,” Billy responded. “Actually they talked about what we needed to discuss at the next meeting." "There you go,” said Billy’s wife. “It was not you they rejected. It was that your sales presentation of the product did not match what they want. You know what customers are like. Quite often, they do not know what they like until they see what they do not like as that helps them visualize what they really want."

Billy didn't respond, but his wife could see he was listening. "Think about it," she said. "How many times have you said no, I don't want that product, to somebody trying to sell you something? Did you hate all of those sales representatives?" Billy smiled, and she knew she'd won as she continued. "See, I know it feels bad, but you can't win every time. Even you need to have your share of hard to please clients - just be thankful you don't get a lot of them!"

The following morning he felt more optimistic as he left for work. This time he knew what they described and will be able to draw it. This time they will not reject his plan -, and even if they did, at least it'd be one step closer to discovering what it was they really wanted!

You're not being rejected. If you don't need to purchase something, you're not rejecting everything else by not purchasing them. You just don't need it at this time. Perhaps you'll want to purchase it at a later date. If you choose to purchase one kind of apple over another, it doesn't mean that you're rejecting the other apple because it's not as good. Rather on this occasion, the one you chose is the one that caught your attention.

If you're friendly, polite and do your job right, then you know that the prospect didn't reject you. You have no control over that. You can control how you feel and respond to it, however. Spend a couple of minutes going over the meeting in your head. Is there anything you could have said to close the sale? Do you feel that your competitor presented a better product, or just a better price? Could you match it on a different occasion? Once you've analyzed the meeting, jot down any notes you need to remember from it - like possible strategies to try with that prospect in the future, or anything you feel went wrong at the presentation, and then LET IT GO!

Don't let the result from this meeting spoil your entire day. It's just one rejection amidst the many you'll receive in your life as a sales representative. Keep telling yourself "it'snot personal, it's the process" again and again until you begin to believe it. "You may have a fresh start anytime you choose, for this thing that we call "failure" isn't the falling down, but the staying down." -Mary Pickford

James Malinchak, Featured on ABC’s Hit Television Show Secret Millionaire, is known as by a lot of industry experts as the World’s #1 Big Money Speaker Coach and Trainer. For Free Video Trainings regarding how to receive money to speak and the ways to turn into a inspirational speaker, take a look at http://pinterest.com/jamesmalinchak/.