Diet pill

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 21:44, 31 марта 2013; Air99soil (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: What ever happened to hard work, discipline, work ethic, and eating right? Did I miss something or did I fall asleep one day and then woke up with a million ways to lose weight fast with...)

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What ever happened to hard work, discipline, work ethic, and eating right? Did I miss something or did I fall asleep one day and then woke up with a million ways to lose weight fast within 24 hours? I mean come on. Sure there are some pills that could probably help you to lose weight, but if you're popping weight loss pills like Tic Tacs after you supersize you're Value meals, pills won't seem to be that affective. Plus you don't want to risk your health for the sake of rapid weight loss. Fast weight loss should happening as naturally as possible and I'm sure that all pills have to have some type of side effect. I've never heard of pills saying on their disclaimer "no side effect whatsoever." It's just not worth it. It's called Eat Less and Exercise More.

That's right now let's test it out. Look at the following examples:

Pills + Eating Less and More exercise Drinking water + Eating Less and More exercise Lose weight Shakes + Eating Less and More exercise Fast Food Diet+ Eating less and More exercise Working out + Eating Less and More exercise

The point is you can pretty much hop on any "lose weight fast" bandwagon, however if you don't add the key ingredients(aka Magic Formula) then the bottom line is your not going to lose weight fast, or maybe not even at all. Additionally there is the safe weight loss factor. You don't want to risk your health for a possible heart condition or whatever side effect some pills might have.

The Truth About Weight Loss

Just to make things clear in the examples of this My Magic Formula when I say "eating less" what I really mean is eating the right portions per meal. Studies show that you can eat more times daily and actually speed up your metabolism therefore helping you to burn fat and lose weight quicker than conventional diets if you're eating the right portions. If you eat 5 times a day with breakfast being your biggest meal and all other meals of equal portions you can speed up weight loss by speeding up your metabolism. Tradition dieting tells us that 3 times a day is what most people are accustom to, but this could be bad for you if your trying to lose weight. Your body stores fat when it goes without food for longer periods of time between meals because it is preparing to go without food, therefore storing fat for energy. Now if you combined the fact that your body stores fat when eating less portions, with no planned eating proportions and no exercise you're destined to fail unless you're educated yourself in the weight loss field.

Serious About Losing Weight

Now if you're serious about losing weight fast then the absolute fastest way to lose weight is by hiring a personal trainer. This could be expensive. It is the fastest way to lose weight although it may not the cheapest. Ever watch a popular TV program along the lines of "The Biggest Loser" or shows similar to this? They lose tons of weight. Comprehensive info on lose weight fast can be read at main website.