How To Have A Healthy And Happy Garden

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 18:38, 30 марта 2013; Matchbotany79 (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: Gardening is a great way to grow delicious fruits and vegetables right in your own backyard. Grow tomatoes, onions, carrots and other vegetables in your garden. You'll find salads made f...)

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Gardening is a great way to grow delicious fruits and vegetables right in your own backyard. Grow tomatoes, onions, carrots and other vegetables in your garden. You'll find salads made from homegrown vegetables taste better than the ones you buy in the store. This article will give you some great gardening tips to help you make the most of your garden. party rentals baltimore

Learn the proper way to lay sod. The soil requires preparation before sod can be laid. Pull all the weeds and loosen the soil so the new roots can take easily. Using a light but firm touch, compact the soil until it is flat. Make sure you work with a moist soil. When laying down sod, create staggered rows with offset joints. Tamp down the sod so it has a flat and even surface, then using some extra soil, fill the gaps between. Water the sod everyday for the first two weeks until the roots grow enough.

 Give your flower beds a boost by introducing annuals and biennials. By utilizing quick-growing biennials and annuals, not only will you be brightening up your flower bed, you can also alter its look each season and each year. They are very helpful when trying to fill in gaps between shrubs and perennials in an area that is sunny. Some flowers you can use are rudbekia, petunias, cosmos, marigolds, or sunflowers.

To make it easier for large trees or shrubs to develop good root systems, plant them in the fall. Given that the soil will be warm in comparison to the ambient temperature, and the plants will be free of foliage, they will be able to dedicate nutrients and energy to growing stronger roots than might otherwise be possible.

Do you want fresh mint leaves without having to worry about them growing too quickly? Try to keep your mint in a container in your garden to stop their rampage. This container can be placed in the soil if you prefer the look of mint in your garden, and it will continue to contain the roots of your mint and prevent it from taking over.

Protect your delicate shrubs from harsh, wintry elements. If the temperature drops below 50 degrees, you should consider protecting them, especially if they do best in warm environments. Connect the tops, and then place a sheet over the top of the wigwam. When you do this you allow air to flow and circulate which can actually prevent rotting, this method is great and better than just wrapping your plant in some plastic.

 Know when to harvest your vegetables at precisely the right time. Every veggie variety has an ideal time frame for picking, so it's important to catch them when their flavors peak. For instance, peas and zucchinis are tastiest when picked young. Tomatoes, in contrast, taste better the longer they are allowed to ripen on the vine. So, make sure you do some research, and find out when the best time to harvest your vegetables is.

Make a calendar to keep track of plantings for your garden. If you keep a planting calendar, you will know exactly which variety to plant every season. You will also be able to prepare yourself ahead of time by buying the right seeds. Your calendar can be paper, or you can do it with a computer.

Gardening can be a very rewarding experience. As you learn more techniques, your skill in the garden will improve. You need all the good advice that you can get your hands on. So, use the tips you just learned from this article and before you know it your garden will be that much closer to your dream garden as possible.