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Версия от 16:41, 20 января 2013; DarinyitkvycaafGilly (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: This is a reassess of the XTZ 93 WMT speaker, which is too established as the XTZ 93.23. I don't get why they have two names for the matching presenter, excluding they immediately do! I...)
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This is a reassess of the XTZ 93 WMT speaker, which is too established as the XTZ 93.23. I don't get why they have two names for the matching presenter, excluding they immediately do!

I couldn't really get back very countless reviews by XTZ speakers when I was looking interested in them nevertheless the ones I did attain believed sunny clothes hence I accepted wisdom I'd risk it and obtain some. Here are my thoughts!

XTZ are a Swedish guests who don't propose their speakers through regular shops. They only offer direct internet sales, you can get them direct starting their website and they also have a few additional internet distributors. You can't audition them, see, stroke or else touch them in several route to start with which is a downside in a way as you are merely in a way buying them blind. The way they get cycle this is by donation a 3 week probationary period in your home, if you don't like them then you return them for a refund.

The gain of this approach is that you don't have to impart shops their large chunk of profit when you're buying the speakers. This means that you get a lot more in support of your money than a speaker from a shop next to the matching cost. A bit privileged positive their range than this speaker in examine is their 99.25 and the 99.26. The rrp for a pair of those open from XTZ is 750 EURO. The tweeter constrain units they use in those speakers are the unchanged as those old in the Monitor Audio Platinum range on 4 period the cost..

If this translates along through their range, at that moment you can spot that you're getting a lot of speaker for your money. Anyway, the speaker I'm talking about now is the WMT 93, thus something moreover in their range is unimportant by the moment, you want to get what this one is like!

The outlay of this speaker is 250 EURO. To facilitate translates on time of writing into $330 USD or £209 GBP. This is the cost of a lot of mid priced bookshelf speakers, accordingly these speakers have a lot of competition on their price point.

First impressions are that it's very gloomy and soundly built. The speakers weigh concerning 25lbs apiece as a result the box they extend in feels good-looking heavy. You need to have a strong postman! The finish by them is really nice, it is a gloss piano black which looks same profound. The cabinets are complete as of 25mm mdf and have a discrete nature to your average box speakers, they look like a pyramid with the top cut inedible. Very nice.

Round the back they have connectors for the tweeter and bass driver, meaning you can bi amp / bi wire if you want. This is not crucial to use them, but the option is there. You also have a port, with a detachable plug up allowing you to tune the bass. Qualification you want extra low output, engage made known the bung, qualification you have to have the speakers in a confront otherwise right after that to a wall you may attain the bass boomy, accordingly rider you want a more proscribed bass so therefore deposit the port in. This is positively conventional resting on speakers, but what is not excessively general is the tweeter alter, allowing you to correct the tweeter to your taste, also send-off it tedious or -3db. The two options allow you to tune the speaker to your taste. If you have a room with powerfully covert floors and lots of insightful surfaces, you may need to situate the tweeter along a notch, rider you have a room with gentle fittings and rugs, so therefore almost certainly not. It's delicate favorite of course, hence the paramount believe is to try both.

I tried with and without port plug up, in the end I have unequivocal to donate the close in set as I have to have one of my speakers in a corner and I don't want several boom commencing it. I and have heavy subwoofers, accordingly the amount of bass harvest starting these is not essential, I'm merely looking representing the best quality. I have not here the treble swop on -0db, I did try it by -3db and the sound is smoother, as a result rider you are suffering with sibilance before find the treble is extremely advance representing your tastes you can become it on and sit rearward and relax. I didn't find that it absorbed any detail, it merely takes the edge of the treble. I like the more to the fore thud though, nevertheless this is own taste.

The thud of the speakers is more weighty than how they look. I have been comparing these speakers to a set I previously have, Scrutinize Audio S8. These are a few years older at the present, except they're admirable speakers, fantastically cloudless and powerful. The rrp of these speakers back then was noticeably extra than the XTZ, they retailed for approximately 4 times the cost of these XTZ when they were new. The XTZ compare vastly favourably. They are not wholly as sunny but they are truly not far-flung inedible at all, which says a lot used for how good the sound is.

The clarity of the sound was the earliest fixation that struck me. They have a fantastically clear maximum bring to an end, which by a little recordings can even hint just before being a tad bright, except you won't miss absent taking place some delegate. They manipulate a 6.5 inch bass driver and the bass is fine and sturdy, additional powerful than the size would have you deem as I was surprised how a great deal they gave outdated. These speakers manipulate a silk tweeter for a same pleasant sound. Somewhere these truly shine in my opinion is with vocals, I listened to Erykah Badu and the clarity of her voice was amazing, she sounded in the vein of she was being piped directly hooked on my brain and I couldn't know the speakers were near on all. Awe-inspiring. I tried them with lots of different styles of music and I couldn't really tool failing with some of it. I had anticipated to sit with them for a while and appraise them absent in the past putting them to work in my home drama room as surround signal speakers. Clothed in the end I sat near every one of era listening to music as I a minute ago couldn't become them off.

I really had a pair of wharfedale 9.1 speakers to hand as a result a minute ago representing the sake of interest I accepted wisdom I'd appraise them absent matched touching the XTZs. On behalf of those who don't know, Wharfedale 9.1 are anyway regarded bookshelf speakers, they have always got sunny reviews and I've been by various wharfedales for home acting duties for several years instantly. I've never worn them for music, hence I thought I'd distinguish how they compared. I was shocked and amazed by how much healthier the XTZs were. The Wharfedales have a minor RRP than XTZ, but they're much faster in cost to the 93 WMT than the Monitor Audios I had been comparing the XTZs to. They got shattered in each way by the XTZ, bass power, midrange and highest side clarity was something besides all told. The XTZ evaluate with speakers far-flung added dear accordingly rider you buy them don't get in having a baby a budget sound.

I am impressed with the 93 WMT's I was not having a baby them to be as sunny as they are and I'm happy to declare they've comfortably exceeded my expectations. They consider, glare and sound approximating they cost a lot extra than they really perform. They are earn and sturdy and have a very trivial musical thud. Proviso you're in the market for new speakers, they're positively worth bearing in mind.

I make out that advanced up the XTZ range, their speakers get equal enhanced and in actuality suitable to hearing these I have straight away invested in a pair of XTZ 99.26 as fine, but still these 93 WMT which are towards their bottom of the XTZ price sort present brilliant deed. Rider you're after speakers on this price, ndmt0xdv you'd live mad not to dangerously reflect on the 93 WMT's in my opinion. Recommended!

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