Don't Understand Your Iphone? These Tips Can Help!

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 07:35, 7 апреля 2013; Temper19dog (обсуждение | вклад) (Don't_Understand_Your_Iphone?_These_Tips_Can_Help!)

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The programming of the iPhone is second to none. The interface is well-designed, and features a wealth of apps to customize with. There are hidden options that allow you to optimize your phone even further. The information in this article will help you figure out the best way to use your iPhone.

Avoid exposing your iPhone to temperature extremes. For example, if you work at a place in which you go into refrigerated or frozen lockers, you should be sure not to bring your phone with you. Your phone is an electronic device, and water can get into your iPhone when temperatures drop.

There are several alternative ways that you can move through your list of contacts. Hold down your fingertip on the list of contacts. Then, just move down and up to view the different ones. That gives you a better way to look through your contacts.

You'll find that you can look through your iPhone's contact list using three different techniques. You can tap a single letter to advance to the listings you want, scroll with a single finger, or gently press one finger right on the list. The last way allows you to go though the list quickly.

If you are listening to some tunes on the iPhone, know that it is possible to change the icons found on the screen's bottom. Just tap 'settings' and then choose to 'add more icons'. You will then have the ability to create icons for any song or album of your choice.

You can save emails that you're working on and finish them at a later time by tapping on the cancel button. The iPhone then gives you the option of saving a draft rather than discarding the email. This will allow you to access the email and finish at a later time.

It is now possible for Siri to let your program a location-based reminder. Rather than asking Siri to tell you to do something at noon, you have another option. So instead of having Siri remind you to call somewhere at 6 p.m., you can instead have her remind you when you get home. Then the phone will tell you to call up your work when it detects that you are home. Setting reminders has never been easier.

When using Safari, you do not have to type the ".com", saving you extra time. For example, to visit you can type "Amazon" in the URL box and you will be taken directly to the site.

When surfing the web on the iPhone, you do not need to add ".com" to web addresses. All you need to do is enter the main section of the url, and your browser will guide you towards the right site. This tip may seem silly, but it really saves time over the long run, especially if you navigate to sites a lot over the course of your iPhone's life.

As far as programming is concerned, your iPhone is very sophisticated. From it's look and feel, to the programs it runs, the iPhone is a beastly device. If you use this article's tips, your iPhone will be optimized to reach its maximum potential.

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