Great Tips To Quit Smoking And Live Longer

Материал из НГПУ им. К.Минина
Версия от 02:22, 4 апреля 2013; Tailor8crocus (обсуждение | вклад)

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While you know that it's bad for you, smoking remains difficult to quit. If you want to stop smoking, you might just need a push to get you on the right path. The advice in this article will assist you in quitting smoking.

If you're going to quit smoking, keep in mind that week one will inevitably be the toughest. In fact, the first two days--approximately 48 hours--are the worst part of quitting, because you're detoxifying from nicotine. After the first two days, expect to experience mostly psychological cravings. Although still difficult to endure, psychological cravings are much less traumatic, when compared to physical cravings.

Don't think of quitting as a sacrifice; think of it as doing yourself a favor. If you see quitting as an achievement, you will be more motivated to continue your fight. Realize you will have a much better life, and how there are so many more pros to quitting than there are cons. You will stay motivated and be more likely to succeed.

Talk to your doctor about medications that can be used to help you quit. There are quite a few options out there for you to help you quit. There are nicotine patches and medications that can help you quit. Ask your doctor for a recommendation to help you stop smoking once and for all.

Don't do it by yourself. Ask for support and encouragement from your friends and family, letting them know you want to quit and letting them give you help. Think about joining a support group in your area. Simply talking with people who are going through the same thing will help spur you on to kick the habit.

The first seven days without cigarettes will be the most difficult part of quitting. Keep this in mind if you feel like you can't get through that first week. During the first 48 hours, your body will be eliminating its buildup of nicotine. Once that is gone, your feelings of craving will stem from psychological causes. Understanding this can make resisting the cravings less traumatic.

Create a list of reasons and motivations to help you quit smoking. Make sure you include all reasons you can possibly think of to help you. Look back at the list, if you want a cigarette. It will remind you of your motivation and keep you from having a smoke.

Many people have discovered that counseling can help them to stop smoking. Many people can't quit because of emotional attachments to smoking, or issues about self-esteem. Once you clear up these problems, you'll be better able to quit. If this is something you think you'd like to try, ask your doctor who you should speak to.

You can find a support group in your area for the support you need to be able to quit smoking. There is great benefit in networking with people who understand the physical and emotional challenges you are facing. They will offer invaluable support and guidance, as well as insider tips that can help you quit. Support groups can often be found at your local church, recreational center, or community college.

Consider nicotine replacement therapy. Many feel depressed, frustrated or restless when they are withdrawing from nicotine. These cravings can overwhelm some people. To help alleviate the condition, consider nicotine-replacement therapy. Studies show that nicotine gum, lozenges or patches can increase people's success when quitting. However, do not use those products if you are still smoking.

Quitting Smoking Is Hard - These Tips Can Help! In conclusion, it is not impossible, nor scary, to quit smoking. All it takes is determination and confidence to quit smoking, so start this worthwhile journey by using the tips outlined above to help you achieve your goal. You will be surprised to learn all you are capable of doing when determination sets in. Great Quit Smoking Methods That Are Proven To Work 
Put Away The Smokes Forever With These Great Tips